As you'll be able to tell "Easterin'" is a very big tradition. Every year all the Browns load up and go off to the edge of the earth. It's actually in the Notom or Capital Reef area. My dad has 7 brothers and sisters so there are a lot of relatives that gather. The day pretty much goes like this:
Arrive, play in the dirt(clay), climb the huge hill, slide down, repeat multiple times on various transportation devices (i.e. snowboard, slalom ski, snow sled, or just bottom--caution this typically results in ripping of the pants). Occasionally you color your eggs now too. Go on a Easter egg hunt compliments of Easter Bunny Grandma Brown. She hides A TON of eggs. Then eat a pot luck lunch topped with sand; compliments of the wind. Eat 'Squirrel Surprise' aka carmel covered cereal mix with Great Grandma Brown. Ride 4-wheelers, or play in the dirt more. Now climb the huge hill with your colored eggs and roll them down. Those at the bottom will attempt to throw up any eggs that don't destruct. Now the part that scares people. All of the cousins go to their vehicles and retrieve their weapons. Time for some shooting. We start with clay pigeons but before long they're gone and we shoot eggs or whatever we can round up. Everyone begins to depart to their homes by way of the waterfall. It's so scary to watch others look at it but it's awesome to stand next to it and see it's power.