I've never experienced slot canyons before. WOW!!!!!!!!! They are amazing. Redmond Minerals had a Lake Powell retreat for their employees and spouses. The retreat spanned 3 weeks, with different groups of employees going down for 5 days. Darryl got not only got to go the week I went with him but he got to stay and help the other groups with hiking and skiing. What fun! In preparation for this retreat Rhett had asked Merritt Aho and Darryl to find a great hike for the group. Well, this gave me the opportunity to be included too. The three of us went down a couple days early to scope out some trails. It was a good thing we did. We discovered many hikes that wouldn't work and only one that would. It was so worth it. These pictures were taken on the hike. It's called the Labyrinth fork. I wish everyone could go there. It is just awesome. The other hikes can be described as this: brown milky water up to your chest that smells as though you're walking through the sewer ponds. While you're walking through things are hitting your legs-- you'd really rather not know what it is, you just want out of there. But the worst, yes there is something worse, is that as you take each step they aren't sure steps you sink in the mud and if you don't kept stepping fast you sink deeper. Even going fast you sink up to your thigh. Scary! And for some odd reason when you're done you're glad you did it but don't really want to do it again. Yet, you do it again and again as you go through each trail.