Kade and Dad with their tickets!

Clint loved looking out the window on the train ride.

What a great family picture with Santa. He tried to take Kade to hold him-- bad idea! Clint had never met the jolly old man so he was frightened by him too. When Santa asked Kade what he wanted for Christmas I think he was so confused at what was happening. It was the 19th of Nov. so we hadn't gotten into Christmas yet and he had no idea who Santa was and why he kept asking what he wanted for Christmas. Kade's response was, "A popcicle." The santa just looked at us like, 'You poor parents can only afford a popcicle. How sad.' The odd thing was as soon as Santa turned to move on to the other kids Kade decided he was his best friend and jingled his bell for him. Santa was busy and didn't respond.

Kade and Clint ringing their bells and singing Jingle Bells.