I thought this would be a fun one to remember for my boys too so here are their 6 quirks.CLINT'S Quirks
1.Runs with his arms flailing in the air and swinging his legs out to the side.(It would make you laugh. He's so cute!)
2.Sings or hums a little tune often
3.Very sensitive to bright light and hot/cold. With light he reminds me of a gremlin, "Bright light, bright light, bright light!" He considers luke-warm food as, "hot hot hot!"
4.Checks to see if he has his 2 blankets, and 1 binki before he goes to bed.
5.Gags (sometimes throws up) if he gets a piece of toilet paper in is mouth while getting his nose wiped
6.Favorite thing to say: "I wanna watch a moo..vie."
KADE'S Quirks1.Loves to dance-- but we have NO idea where he got is bizarre moves from.
2.Would be happy with a pair of scissors and a stack of paper for Christmas.--and a BIG gun
3.Checks to see if he has his 4 blankets, 1 burper, 1 pillow, 1 sippy cup, and 1 stuffed puppy before he goes to bed.
4.Usually has at least one(sometimes up to 4) race car in his little hand all day long.
5.Loves to push the memo button on our phone and leave memos on the answering machine.
6.Favorite things to say: "Who built that?" "Oh I wish we could have a four-wheeler, trampoline. . ." "Oh I wish we could go to grandma's, Kamas pool. . . "
DARRYL'S Quirks1.Sleeps with a pillow laying on top of his chest.
2.Dips Grilled Cheese in Applesauce(It's a Bosshardt thing).
3.Gets VERY grumpy when he is hungry.
4.Loves to work-- more than the average bear.
5.Can give himself a great haircut.
6.Can knit (I can't even do that!).