Side Note: About a week ago Darryl decided to transform Kade's bed to a toddler bed. Until now he has been sleeping in his crib and doesn't dare climb out on his own. I've been fine with that because then we don't have to deal with him coming in at night, or deal with him not going to bed at bed time and just playing in his room. He has been great about it though-- YEA!
I brought Kade into bed with Darryl and I and kept trying to calm him down but he just wouldn't relax and stop crying. Finally he could talk and said, "But I'm not okay." I wondered if he was really hurt. Usually if we talk to him and tell him he's okay after he gets hurt he'll settle down. I asked him to let me touch where he hurt and he put my finger on is face and it felt kind of tacky. Hmmm. I think he's bleeding. I get up and turn on the light and find he really smashed his face good. Now that we knew he was really hurt he settled down and fell asleep. We figure he rolled over or lifted his head up to flop it on his pillow and hit the rail. Kade definitely didn't win that fight.