Well it was another week away from home. This time it was for Young Women camp!!! There is just nothing like it. I love to be in the fabulous mountains with the girls. This year our camp director wanted everything to be a surprise for everyone --leaders included. This made for little work for us but a TON of work for her. I felt so bad she was doing SO much but I have to say it turned out so great and it was fun to be surprised. Our theme she picked was camp FIT-- Faith Increases Testimony. She wanted to get across the point that the world focuses so much on physical fitness right now, which is important, but spiritual fitness is just as important. She talked about how we need to do things (exercises) that will keep our testimony strong. It was such a great theme. We went to Rockcliff campground at Jordanelle. It was beautiful but and our first night was rather interesting. The girls were shockingly asleep by 11:30. The leaders however didn't get to sleep until after 3:30 due to some pesky raccoons. We had been told to duct tape the coolers and such shut. Well we thought the raccoon may come climb around and leave, but oh no! They scratched and ripped at that duct tape until they could get the lids open. We got out of our tent to reinforce with more duct tape a couple times. The raccoons would walk right up to our feet-- stomping, clapping and yelling didn't deter them. You had to bang on something to get them to run away; they would still return a few minutes later. One raccoon finally got a hold of a bag of bagels and then I was really scared because I thought he'd get really defensive. We used more duct tape. That didn't stop them they started pushing coolers around and over. We finally went out and stacked the coolers, putting the super heavy coolers on top of a lighter cooler. FINALLY we got to sleep-- for a short while. We were suppose to wake up for our hike at 6:30. We did wake up at 6:30 but it took us a while to get on our hike. It was a nice hike around the lake.

The next night we stacked the coolers under the metal picnic table. The raccoons came but left soon after. Ha Ha!!
Camp was so great. There was a newer girl that we didn't know super well and so it was so fun to get to see what she was like-- she's such a fun cute girl. I'm so glad she went.
I'm not sure how we didn't end up at the ER because we had one girl that about picked up a couple snakes that were rattle snakes, luckily she spotted the rattles just in time. Then there were a couple girls that didn't understand the danger of muskrats. They were almost petting them a couple times. YIKES! We did have two wasp bites that didn't amount to much and so I would say we did well-- aside from the millions of mosquito bites.
Tracy, the camp director, had made books for each of us that had our bishops testimony in them and testimonies from our family members. It was so neat to get those and be able to read them. However, it made me cry and miss my guys at home. The final night was the night the bishopric came up for dinner. We cooked ribs, and potatoes in the dutch ovens. I didn't realize how large the rib pieces were going to be and or I would have suggested we start them really early in the day so needless to say they weren't done when everyone got there. Tracy was so stressed about it but it turned out great. Everyone had a chance to sit and visit while it finished cooking and then we ate and had testimony meeting.
I only took a few pictures. :( I haven't been doing great at getting my camera out. I can't wait to get the pictures from everyone else.