A little glimpse of Kade's enthusiasm.
In primary on Sunday after the final song was sung Kade stood up and announced, "Hey everybody, my mom has a baby in her tummy!!!!!!!!!" He is so excited about having a baby in our house so he makes sure we/he inform everyone we talk to about the great news. He's such a cute kid but his freedom of speech makes me a little nervous. :o )
Monday, August 31, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
The rest of the story. . .
So here is the story. . . for the past 3 years we've accepted the fact that we wouln't have anymore kids due to our doctor's strong recommendation. We wanted 1 more but thought the doc. knows best. Well, long story short, at a doc. visit under a year ago the doctor said that we could have another if we really wanted we'd just have to watch the pregnancy close. So one day we thought we were finished having kids and the next we were excited to have one more baby in our family. Darryl really wanted to wait until we knew if it was a boy or girl before we announced anything. Even though I wore a swimming suit with my family all day a couple weeks ago, and then spent a week at my mom's house no one knew. They all thought I was getting a little, "pudgy" but didn't expect pregnant.
SO HOW did we finally tell . . . if you didn't figure it out, we announced it on Facebook and my blog. I was shocked how quickly the word spread through Facebook. However, Darryl's mom didn't find out for 3 days! I really wanted to call her but Darryl thought it would be fun to just see how long it took and see how she found out. I refused to let my mom find out through Facebook/ my blog because she found out second hand with my other babies and wasn't too happy about it so I called her when we posted the news. It did take her about 5 min. to notice the baby floating on my blog, and she only noticed it because I finally told her to look in the top right corner.
I would NOT recommend announcing it on Facebook or a blog. Most of our friends felt like they were the last to know. I think they thought we'd already told "everyone" and then posted it to let all the other people we don't see very often know. However, the truth is we didn't tell anyone and most everyone found out the same way. Even after we posted we didn't say anything, just so we could see the true effects of cyberworld. All in all I'm glad the truth is out and now I can remember I'm pregnant. I spent the past 20 weeks trying forgetting I was pregnant so I wouldn't slip and let the secret out.
So we're due about Jan. 18th so the doc. has the C-section scheduled for the 11th. for now.
And now you know the rest of the story.
SO HOW did we finally tell . . . if you didn't figure it out, we announced it on Facebook and my blog. I was shocked how quickly the word spread through Facebook. However, Darryl's mom didn't find out for 3 days! I really wanted to call her but Darryl thought it would be fun to just see how long it took and see how she found out. I refused to let my mom find out through Facebook/ my blog because she found out second hand with my other babies and wasn't too happy about it so I called her when we posted the news. It did take her about 5 min. to notice the baby floating on my blog, and she only noticed it because I finally told her to look in the top right corner.
I would NOT recommend announcing it on Facebook or a blog. Most of our friends felt like they were the last to know. I think they thought we'd already told "everyone" and then posted it to let all the other people we don't see very often know. However, the truth is we didn't tell anyone and most everyone found out the same way. Even after we posted we didn't say anything, just so we could see the true effects of cyberworld. All in all I'm glad the truth is out and now I can remember I'm pregnant. I spent the past 20 weeks trying forgetting I was pregnant so I wouldn't slip and let the secret out.
So we're due about Jan. 18th so the doc. has the C-section scheduled for the 11th. for now.
And now you know the rest of the story.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Surprise Update
Sorry to all whom we managed to tick off by not telling anyone we were expecting and then using Facebook and my blog to see how long it took for the word to spread. There are still people that don't know (I think) or maybe they're just too ticked to call or comment. Sorry again, but if anyone is interested most of our street knew within 3 hours, my sis. within 6, and my bro. within 17 hours. We'll keep you posted. . .
So the outcome was that it took most of Darryl's siblings 2 days, his mom and dad 3 days, and one of his sisters 2 weeks to find out. News doesn't spread quickly sometimes.
So the outcome was that it took most of Darryl's siblings 2 days, his mom and dad 3 days, and one of his sisters 2 weeks to find out. News doesn't spread quickly sometimes.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
First Day

I know this is that time of year where kids are heading back to school and I know there are many that have been in school for awhile now but I have had the hardest time getting into school time mode. I really don't feel like summer should be over yet. I still want days filled with slip-n-slide, popsicles, and trips to fun summer spots like Deer Creek and Bridal Veil Falls (both of which we really haven't been to this summer). School mode had to come today; I'm still not in full mode but hope to be by the end of the week. :}
I taught one class this morning and I'll teach my other class tonight. Going over my syllabus we discovered a huge error-- but hey we'll live. I'm sure they won't ever look at it again anyway. I only have about 25 students total-- ideal if you're a teacher. It should be a fun adventure. I'm looking forward to seeing how it all pans out. Hopefully I have 25 'A' students that are all the math-whizzes(aka math-geeks) that I know they can be.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Old Tree, New Tree

Well the time has come to see the beautiful willow go. We both have grown up with willows so we know how messy and sticky they get. Darryl had said from the start that he'd be taking out that tree. Well it was the most beautiful willow(in the picture it doesn't look so beautiful, that is because Darryl had already cut off a lot of limbs) and the perfect shade tree for our weekly picnics so we never removed the tree-- until today. The tree probably would have been around a little longer too had it not become infested with bore. We tried and tried to kill them all but there are a million of the little worms in the tree and they just won't all die. So we bought another tree, planted it, and cut down the willow. The mountain ash we planted looks like it will be a super pretty tree. I just hope it fills out quickly so we can have some shade on our picnics next summer.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Harvest Time
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Go Granny, Go Granny, GO!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
I've got an idea. . .
So Darryl had to run to the office today to get something. Background info.: Just before he left one of my friends called to see if I was bacheloretting it tonight as she and another friend were and they wanted to get together. Darryl once was scheduled to be gone on another Birch/Orderville canyon trip but it was canceled. Not long after he left for the office he called and said, "I can't believe I'm suggesting this . . . why don't you, Wendy, and Heidi go do something and I'll watch all of the kids." This was SO out of character for Darryl, so I questioned him to see if he was really thinking about watching 6 kids all 5 and under by himself. He said he was thinking they could just order pizza and watch a movie and play. Well I thought I should take advantage of 'the opportunity of a lifetime during the lifetime of the opportunity.'(one of Darryl's favorite quotes) So I called the girls and we were all in for a girls night out. We went to dinner and had a great time. I think Wendy's night wasn't quite as relaxing given the fact that she was worried about her baby James being disruptive at the restaurant. He really wasn't a disruptive at all but when it's your kid it always seems worse. However, it was nice to just hang out with the girls and not have to worry about all the kids. When we arrived home everyone was fully intact and smiling, including Darryl. Thanks Love for giving us a few hours of get away-- I'm sure glad you had the thought and then did something about it. It may seem like a small act rendered to some but I know what an uncomfortable thing it was for you but yet you're so great at it and it really made 3 women happy. We're just hoping Gary and Brian are inspired the same so it will happen again. :)
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Cherry Hill
Bobbie going down Cardiac Canyon with Austin and Tanner

Buzz, Kylee, and Bobbie with Tanner, Kade and I in the background

A large part of the gang: Buzz, Ron, Lisa, Porter, Jaxon, Austin, and Tanner

Darryl and Clint

Buzz, Kylee, and Bobbie with Tanner, Kade and I in the background
A large part of the gang: Buzz, Ron, Lisa, Porter, Jaxon, Austin, and Tanner
Darryl and Clint
The greatest fun spot you'll ever know. . . . It is fun but I don't know about the "greatest."
I'll have to post pics. when I get them from my mom.
A couple months ago I was talking to my brother about taking our kids to Lagoon and before I knew it there was a trip planned. The trip entailed camping and playing at Cherry Hill one day and then Lagoon the next day. With Darryl going out of town and me not wanting to attempt Lagoon without him we opted to just go up and spend the day with them at Cherry Hill. It was fun but there really isn't a whole lot to do there that is worth much. The slides are all great, as is the lazy river, and the 'baby' pool area with the pirate ship is fun but not superb. It was great though to spend some time with the family and cousins. Clint braved the dragon slide once and then after the smoke and the pitch black sections he was scared and done with that-- that is until Uncle Buzz with his crazy sly ways talked him into going with him. Clint tried to act all brave about it but in the end he was not about to go down that slide again. Kade, on the other hand, couldn't get enough. Before he was even off the slide he was saying, "Lets go again! That was TOTALLY AWESOME!" He rode that slide close to a hundred times. It was so nice that the lines were short and moved quickly. Kade also loved the Cardiac Canyon slide. I couldn't watch him go down it. I thought for sure he was going to drown. They only allow one person per tube and so he was in this enormous tube in between Uncle Ron or Buzz, and Darryl. Each of them would hold onto Kade's wrist so they would form a train, hoping to prevent Kade from tipping. It didn't look fun at all. His arms looked as if they were about to get ripped off and there were a few times he was stuck under waterfalls and was about drowning. Every time I thought he'd come off the slide and not want to do it again but I was wrong. He LOVED it every time. The lazy river was Clint's favorite. Every 45 min. the river has a flood and there is water squirting, dumping, misting, and falling all over. Clint would talk about it and tell everyone about the buckets that dump on you like he loved it but while we were on the river he was so paranoid that the buckets were going to dump on him. He's such a funny kid. Both the boys opted out of naps for more fun which was fine because they were both happy-- until they were starving then it was down hill from there. Once their tummies were full then they were ready for bed so we loaded up and headed for Heber. Lisa, Buzz, and Mom & Dad stayed and camped in their trailers. It was a good thing we went home because Clint had some kind of bug and from 2 AM to 1 PM the next day he threw up. It was a long terrible night after a long fabulous day.
I'll have to post pics. when I get them from my mom.
A couple months ago I was talking to my brother about taking our kids to Lagoon and before I knew it there was a trip planned. The trip entailed camping and playing at Cherry Hill one day and then Lagoon the next day. With Darryl going out of town and me not wanting to attempt Lagoon without him we opted to just go up and spend the day with them at Cherry Hill. It was fun but there really isn't a whole lot to do there that is worth much. The slides are all great, as is the lazy river, and the 'baby' pool area with the pirate ship is fun but not superb. It was great though to spend some time with the family and cousins. Clint braved the dragon slide once and then after the smoke and the pitch black sections he was scared and done with that-- that is until Uncle Buzz with his crazy sly ways talked him into going with him. Clint tried to act all brave about it but in the end he was not about to go down that slide again. Kade, on the other hand, couldn't get enough. Before he was even off the slide he was saying, "Lets go again! That was TOTALLY AWESOME!" He rode that slide close to a hundred times. It was so nice that the lines were short and moved quickly. Kade also loved the Cardiac Canyon slide. I couldn't watch him go down it. I thought for sure he was going to drown. They only allow one person per tube and so he was in this enormous tube in between Uncle Ron or Buzz, and Darryl. Each of them would hold onto Kade's wrist so they would form a train, hoping to prevent Kade from tipping. It didn't look fun at all. His arms looked as if they were about to get ripped off and there were a few times he was stuck under waterfalls and was about drowning. Every time I thought he'd come off the slide and not want to do it again but I was wrong. He LOVED it every time. The lazy river was Clint's favorite. Every 45 min. the river has a flood and there is water squirting, dumping, misting, and falling all over. Clint would talk about it and tell everyone about the buckets that dump on you like he loved it but while we were on the river he was so paranoid that the buckets were going to dump on him. He's such a funny kid. Both the boys opted out of naps for more fun which was fine because they were both happy-- until they were starving then it was down hill from there. Once their tummies were full then they were ready for bed so we loaded up and headed for Heber. Lisa, Buzz, and Mom & Dad stayed and camped in their trailers. It was a good thing we went home because Clint had some kind of bug and from 2 AM to 1 PM the next day he threw up. It was a long terrible night after a long fabulous day.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
What to do with myself?
Tonight was my first Wed. night home in over 2 years. I was just released from beloved position
working with the Young Women. There really is no place I'd rather be, but right now is my season to stay home with the boys. Darryl is the scout master for the 11 year-olds and they thought we'd be able to make it work by having scouts on Tues. After a few months they saw that wasn't going to work and so they released me. :( I just don't know what to do with myself tonight. I often find myself worrying about future activities. After the initial panic sets in I remember it isn't my worry anymore. I'll really miss working with the other leaders and the girls, but I know the girls really listen to the lessons and get into the Personal Progress program they will do amazing things.

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