This year all of Darryl's brothers and sisters were home for Thanksgiving. We slept at my parent's house to ease a little of the crowdedness at night. We went down Wednesday and helped Marcia with a some food preparations then went over to my parent's house for the evening. On Thursday we got up and went to the Bosshardts all day. The crowd was Marcia's family and her brother Clair's family. It was quite the large crowd which was fun. It was especially nice to have all of Darryl's siblings together again. Friday we took a new family picture with all the Bosshardts then spent the afternoon helping my mom set up her Christmas decorations outside. Of course there was a few good shooting hours left in the day that needed to be taken advantage of so Darryl and Kelby went shooting. Everyone else was taking a nap, or buying a car. Wendy, Marcia, and I ran over to Richfield to do a little shopping while the kids played with the cousins. That night we played some games, although Darryl wasn't feeling great. He'd messed up his back/shoulder rolling around with Clint. Saturday we spent the morning with my folks and then they headed up to the BYU vs Utah game so we headed to Redmond. The game was exciting-- especially in a "house divided." We stopped in to see Jori's new baby Carver. He's so little and sweet. It made me realize how rusty I am with newborn babies. Sunday we went to sacrament meeting with my folks and then headed back to Heber. My folks had dinner at Buzz's with Wayne and Buzz's father-in-law.

There was a lot of rocking out with Guitar Hero, planting and harvesting "sucker seeds" (colored sprinkles), playing with cousins, and dusting Grandma's house(Clint came in once with an extremely dirty duster and said, "Grandma it's really dirty under your fridge." Looking at her like don't you clean under there often?)

There was a lot of rocking out with Guitar Hero, planting and harvesting "sucker seeds" (colored sprinkles), playing with cousins, and dusting Grandma's house(Clint came in once with an extremely dirty duster and said, "Grandma it's really dirty under your fridge." Looking at her like don't you clean under there often?)