Kade wanted to have a Firefighter party this year. Every time he'd talk about his birthday I wouldn't even give it a second thought because February seemed forever away-- well it wasn't. Before I knew it it was February and I needed to get invitations out. I super quickly made the invitations and we dashed off to get the invites out. I told Kade we could only invite the friends he plays mostly with(I don't think I could handle Cole plus all the kids/adults he wanted to invite). He wanted to invite his whole primary class, Ms. Sally(story time lady), Gina(use to watch the boys), Wendy(Abby's mom), and the list went on. I had to draw the line somewhere.
We gave Kade his present this morning and he's played with it all day. He's said he wanted a rope and a pulley for weeks. We didn't want to give him a huge heavy pulley so we substituted a carabeaner and Kade was fine with that. He LOVED it. What kind of kid loves a rope for a gift-- Darryl Bosshardt's son. :) Kade loves to make zip lines, tie knots, make elevators, and more. Grandma and Grandpa Brown were up north for Dr. appointments last week so they brought his gift then. They gave him a golf set and a shooting rocket set. He loves them both and has played with them daily. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!!! Granny and Grandpa Bosshardt's gift arrived during the party and Kade was excited to open it and see a Cars Resuce Set. It is the Cars movie set that has a firetruck and an ambulance. He loved it. Thanks a ton Granny and Grandpa!!!
The party turned out fun but I was a little frazzled because Cole was crying the whole time. Darryl was trying to console him for a while but it wasn't working and I needed him to help with the kids at the party so he just cried poor little guy. I felt so awful but we had to get through the party. When the kids were out the door he immediately quit crying and was content.
The party started off deeming each kid a firefighter by giving them their own firefighter hat. Then we played Fireman, Fireman, Siren sound [Duck, Duck, Goose with a twist]. Then we 'put out' balls of fire. I had fire drawn on balloons and they popped the balloons with a flyswatter that had a tack on it. Presents were more organized this year. I had the kids to "Heavy, heavy hang over thy poor head. What do you wish with a bump on the head." It was a silly little rhyme we use to do when I was little. Then the birthday boy wishes something for the person giving them the gift. Kade was so thoughtful in the things he wished for people(I was so surprised). He really nailed what each kid would like and then they were happy. Except for Abby; she had something else in mind-- I can't remember what it was but she said she was getting it from her Grandma. He got some fun fun games and balls. The firetruck pinata was so hard for the kids to break. I was surprised at how hard some of those kids could swing. As per Kade's request we ate chocolate cupcakes with chocolate icing and vanilla ice cream. Then it was silly string time. I'd drawn a town with buildings on fire and they squirted out the fire with silly string. They all had a ball. The mess looked bad but it was really quick to clean up believe it or not. The kids had such a great time and so did Kade the birthday boy! That night we celebrated as a family. Kade chose to go to "the train" aka Dairy Keen. I think Kade regretted his choice because almost every day he asks Clint if he's going to choose to celebrate his birthday at Chuck-E-Cheese. :)