The annual Easterin' outing was great as always. My family has always gone down near Capital Reef for Easter but the current tradition started about 25 years ago. My family[meaning all of my Grandma Brown's kids and their families--they don't all come every year-- just whoever can make it each year but we haven't missed a year] have been going to the same clay hills just west of Caineville to have an egg hunt; eat a potluck lunch; roll eggs down the hills; sled down the hills; ride ATVs; and shoot shotguns at clay pigeons, pop cans, and eggs. As of Thursday no other extended family except my immediate family were planning on going this year. Well, the Browns can't stay away from that place. It's just what we do that weekend. There was an enormous crowd. I've never counted how many people put I'd guess average is 100 people. It was pretty nice weather wise--except for the insane wind. I kept Cole in my parents trailer the whole time because he just can't breath in strong wind yet. I bought a tie-dye Easter egg coloring kit that I figured would be a flop, as most of those kits are, but it was really neat. Darryl said he won't color eggs any other way now. It's fast and much less messy. There is a picture of the best tie-dyed egg we did. Kade's wanted to keep it, read on to find out how that went. As you can see Cole slept through the egg hunt but the Easter Bunny (aka Grandma Brown) didn't forget him. There was a big blue egg with his name on it and the traditional $2 bill inside. The boys were so excited to open their eggs after the hunt. Clint can't wait to eat the candy and Kade can't wait to count the money; They never change. My niece had a baby last November, Carver, and so we were excited to get pictures of him and Clint together. That boy is a football player, and Cole is a baseball player. Carver is seriously the happiest kid I've ever met. He's always lit up with a huge smile--except for the one picture of all the grandkids(minus Logan, Britain, Ryan, and Jordan). He was doing great and then suddenly cried/screamed. Love the picture though. He thought it was great when we put Cole in his lap for a picture. He grab him with both hands, held on and smiled. Cole, however, looked a little bewildered.
Without knowing that the other was doing it Kade and Clint both stashed one egg to save. Kade carried his around for quite awhile before he discovered he could put it in his hoodie pouch. Well before the day was over he had boiled egg juices soaking through his shirt--yep it didn't make it. Clint's did because he stored it in an egg carton and then he put it in the storage compartment in the backseat of the van. It wasn't until 1 1/2 weeks later that I saw him get it out and so I convinced him that it was smelly and needed to be trashed. I'm surprised the van didn't totally reek. This year we stopped at the waterfall on our way home. When I was a kid we would always stop but I think the last time I've stopped was when I was like 13. It's such a neat waterfall and you can get so close to everything--which is scary with two independent climbing boys. Cole was sleeping in the car so he missed out on the family picture opportunity. :( Notice my clothes--not Easterin' attire. I went and stayed with my family this whole week while Darryl was gone and in my packing I didn't get anything for me to wear Easterin'--oops.
The one picture show the traditional sledding down the hills. We all thought these two, Austin and Porter, were going to end up in the hospital.