I felt so bad about Clint's birthday getting shafted this year, but as it turned out I think it was a pretty perfect and awesome birthday. Clint had been saying he just wanted a family party but then the beginning of this month he changed and said a friend party, "for sure." I thought I'd work on the birthday party before we went to DC. We went to DC and then I thought I'd work on it when we got back. I spent the day and a half washing, mowing, cleaning, and packing for our Maple Grove camp out(in lieu of the Brown's Bryce trip). So I thought I'd work on it at my moms the last few days of our Maple Grove trip. Well I ended up getting SUPER sick(food poisoning or something BAD) and then I made it back to Heber the night of the 18th without a present even for Clint to open in the morning. I felt awful about it but the morning of his birthday Darryl had to leave early for work so it worked out that we'd just have the family open presents party that night when Dad got back. So at 6:30 AM the planning began. He decided he wanted a Wild Krattz party(what do you do for that??????!!!). Well by 6:45 I had a list of fun ideas, by 12:00 we had the invitations created and delivered, by 3:00 I had a present for him, and by 6:45 we were having our little family celebration. He opened his gift from us-- found the perfect thing a spinney paint set and also came with a pottery wheel set all for $20 waHOO! He LOVED it. Then he opened some secret spy gear from the Bosshardt Grandparents. He was SO excited because Kade got the same thing last Feb. and Clint and coveted it. We had pizza(as requested) on a blanket downstairs while we watched a movie. Darryl had started reading Summer of the Monkeys with them at the beginning of this summer and they finished it so they wanted to watch the movie. Sounds like it wasn't as good.:( I had Bunco so I missed the movie. Since we had to give the friends some notice we scheduled the party for that Friday. Clint was sad we couldn't have the party on his real birthday day so I felt bad I hadn't gotten on it before and had the invitations out so we could do that. He forgave me in the end. So like I said we had some great ideas for the party. I didn't end up doing all of them but here are the 5 we did. I made them card stock creature power discs one was a spider disc. For this one they got a can of silly string and made spider webs all over the swing set. The Draco is Clint's favorite so we had them glide around the yard to save the animals(I had a brilliant idea to find silly bands because there are a ton in a pack for cheap so when they saved their animal they got to keep the silly band--actually silly band rings). The 3rd disc was a frog so they each used their sticky hand they got from the pinata as their tongue to catch one of the animals. I was surprised how easy that was for these kids I planned too much time for that activity. We also had a kangaroo disc so they hopped to a balloon and had to hop on it and pop it because I'd "trapped" an animal inside the balloon. I was surprised how many kids didn't like popping balloons--(note that for next time :)). The last disc was a firefly. We had some glow sticks that we'd gotten for a birthday and so we gave each kid one and they used their glowing power to go downstairs in the dark toy room and save (aka: find) an animal. It was so much fun to watch the kids, I figured they would love it and so I was excited to do the games with them. I'm glad no other adult was there-- no one can prove how I acted-- are you going to believe a 5 year old? :D We actually started the party off with a pinata that looked like a Draco power disc. I made it from some hangers for the round shape, and then just covered it by taping news paper and a paper bag around it. I probably should have just used newspaper-- the bag was a little too strong, but it was the most exciting explosion of the pinata we've had so I'm sure I'll just make them from now on. The pinata was filled with whale crackers, animal crackers, animal fruit snacks, an animal parachute guy, and silly hands. We did the activities next and then it was present time. Clint was so excited when he opened the foam ice cream cone shooter he got from Kade that he started jumping up and down on the couch. He and Kade gave one of those to Braxton for his birthday and they wanted one badly. A $2 gift resulted it a $100 reaction. :D He got so many great things one thing that he got that I thought was cool was the 3D chalk-- it works and it works with other chalk too--check it out sometime. He begs to play moon dough at Kenzies house so that's what she gave him. He couldn't believe that he had his own now. Then it was time to cut the cheetah power disc cake-- special request of chocolate cake with strawberry icing(I did sneak in some pudding to make it a little better). I tried to talk Clint into letting me make the icing but he insisted we buy the store stuff. The cake didn't turn out too bad, much to my surprise. The kids played for a while with their different discs and then it was time to take them home. Clint loved his party and I'm glad it didn't disappoint. Happy Birthday my 5 year old. I can't believe you're 5 is seems like we haven't lived in Heber that long so I always think you can't be as old as you are. We love you Happy.