The Hansens called us this morning to see if we wanted to go to Cascade Springs for dinner tonight. Even though we had just been we were excited to go again. We didn't stay right at the springs we headed south this time and though the road was very rough we eventually landed in a great spot. It had a little cave carved out in the bushes, a fire pit, and it was next to the stream. They brought a little grill and made some great food and the kids had a great time playing together. My favorite moment was when I spotted the kids all traipsing through the tall grass single-file and crouched. I asked what they were doing and they all stood up. That is when I noticed they were each holding large rocks. They responded, "We're hunting Big Foot." I laughed, "Continue on!" Cute kids.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Cascade Springs with the Hansens
The Hansens called us this morning to see if we wanted to go to Cascade Springs for dinner tonight. Even though we had just been we were excited to go again. We didn't stay right at the springs we headed south this time and though the road was very rough we eventually landed in a great spot. It had a little cave carved out in the bushes, a fire pit, and it was next to the stream. They brought a little grill and made some great food and the kids had a great time playing together. My favorite moment was when I spotted the kids all traipsing through the tall grass single-file and crouched. I asked what they were doing and they all stood up. That is when I noticed they were each holding large rocks. They responded, "We're hunting Big Foot." I laughed, "Continue on!" Cute kids.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Cascade with Gary and Jasha
Gary and Jasha called us this weekend and wanted to come get away from the city for a few days. We were excited to have visitors like we always are but it was especially fun to have someone that spurred us to get into the mountains to enjoy the brilliant colors. We went for a walk around Cascade Springs and then had a little hot dog roast in the Little Deer Creek camp ground. It was a great time but Cascade Springs was packed. We found out later that this weekend they didn't charge a fee to come across the Alpine Loop so there were many more people than usual.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Daddy Turn!
Here is the scene: I was cleaning up dinner which entailed emptying the dishwasher, clearing the table, putting food in containers, rolling up leftover bean, meat, and cheese into burritos, and wiping down the surfaces. Darryl was standing next to the dishwasher looking at his phone-- likely e-mails, news, or Facebook. Cole was playing around the house and came into the kitchen where we were. Darryl says, "Whew! You're stinky!" Everything carries on as before. Darryl says, "Oh man that is bad!" Everything carries on as before. Darryl says, "Wow! That's really bad!" As I'm walking past Darryl to put some dishes in the cupboard I notice he's on Facebook. I said, "Facebook! Go change the poop!" Then Cole repeats, "Change poop. Change poop. Change poop." Funny right!-- It gets better! I'm finally at a stopping point so I say, "Come on lets go change you." "NO! Daddy turn!" Darryl and I lost it laughing. He couldn't have picked a better moment to say that for the first time. That's a phrase I hope he uses more often. :)
Monday, September 24, 2012
Piano Guys
For my birthday Darryl got us tickets to the Piano Guys. It was great music and amazing talent. One guy played the piano and the other guy played the cello. I use the word "play" rather loosely. The pianist had all kinds of ways to make music; From slamming the fallboard, to knocking on the piano. The cellist was the same way. He would tap different parts of his cello to made different noises. The two of them were an entire band. It was a lot of fun the boys were totally entertained. They showed videos that are on YouTube that they've made for the songs. They are so creative. You can tell they really love what they do.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Neat Birthday Treat

We went down to Sevier Co. this weekend. On our way back to Heber we stopped and spent some time with Grandpa and Grandma Bosshardt. Uncle Jay was there and he remembered it was my Birthday tomorrow so he ran to his house and got his ukulele, party hats, and a little bag of candy bars for me. Then everyone sang Happy Birthday. What a fun little treat.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Breath Taking
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South Bound |
Driving down Heber City Main St. today was just a typical ride until I came to this magnificent sight. I didn't have a camera that would capture the awesomeness, my feelings, or the goose pumps that were covering me, but I had to snap a couple shots to try to remember this. There were also many other cars lined up on the sides of the road snapping pictures. After I got over how I was feeling I wondered why such a display; Then I remembered it was September 11th today. Thank you Heber City for creating such a neat moment for many today.
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North Bound |
Monday, September 10, 2012
One of these things is not like the others

Can you guess which egg is from our new little chickens? We weren't sure if they would ever lay. They just seem so little, but they surprised us today. Which ever one is laying she hasn't figured out where to lay. She has been laying up in the box but not in the laying bins. That's better I guess than when she lays in random spots all around the ground in the coop.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Ahhh. . . Lake Powell
I just can't describe the amazing experience Lake Powell is for all Redmond employees. There is a magic there that is addictive. I wish every day could be so meaningful, fun, enlightening, and life-changing. When it's over I feel so rejuvenated as a parent, but so drained physically and mentally. This year was no different; I met incredible people, had a lot of fun exploring the land, and even more fun playing on/in the water. Some of the best moments though are from the discussions. It's just so exciting to really think about the things you do and believe instead of just mindlessly following. There is so much to learn and it gives your actions purpose. Konnie was able to watch the boys which was so great. She had a pirate night with them where they dressed like pirates and did little pirate crafts. Who wouldn't love her tending them? These are pictures of some of the play times. Darryl hiking a slot canyon-- climbing anyway, and me wakeboarding before the sun is completely up.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Playing in The Salt

This has got to be the best perk for a kid who's family works for a salt co. Playing on the road salt piles is a sight to see. The kids swim in the salt like water. They climb and climb with pure joy all over their faces. I consider it a win-win. The kids get to have the time of their lives while they inhale salt and get covered in it which has to be healing something right?!. :)
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