We have the Ninja (with an awesome sword sheath that holds 2 swords and 2 daggers), Bumble Bee ("I'm NOT a bumble bee I'm transformer!"), and Ghoul with an ax (that he colored red with a sharpie for blood--had no idea that my child could be gross like that). The boys had a great time trick-or-treating. They went up and down our street and they were content. They came back and fished out 10 of their favorite treats and left the rest on the porch for the Great Pumpkin. The Great Pumpkin brought them lego racers that have a rip chord. They were a hit-- thanks Great Pumpkin! Cole kept asking where his candy was. He wanted it back. :-) We'll see if he surrenders his bag next year.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Reading Time
LOVE moments like these. After story time is over these two love to climb in the holes on the wall. I would have never guessed that they would both stop and look at books for 5 minutes but they did and it was adorable. Yea for cameras to capture the moment!
Friday, October 18, 2013
Photo Shoot 2013
It was time to get some photos of the boys. I was testing a few different areas of the yard and so Cole was my model. These are the poses I got. . . :-) Funny kid.
And these are the photos we hung on the wall. . .
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Honey Day!
The day we spin honey is always a fun day. This year many of Darryl's family members came to join in on the fun. We also had a lady bring her kids and get a little mini-class on bees. There was also a guy that works with Best Vinyl bring a few of his frames to spin too. He was such a neat guy-- he acted like he was one of the family. He brought his kids and niece and nephew and they all just acted like they were at home. It was fun to see. It was a cold day but we had the heaters blaring and so the garage was pretty toasty. Cole loved turning the handle on the spinner. I think this was the first year he could really get it going fast. Work isn't work when you're having fun!
Friday, October 11, 2013
Still Hungry?
The text I got today: [I can't remember where I had gone but Darryl was watching Cole.]
"Put Coles cereal [bowl] away but left granola out-- Apparently he wasn't done and so he took matters into his won hands and used his sippy to ash it down. :-)"
That works as a bowl too I guess. I'm just glad he didn't pour milk into the granola container!
Such a fun kid.
Sunday, October 6, 2013
He's Got a Wife!
We were watching General Conference today when Clint made a most hilarious comment that went as follows:
We were singing one of the songs and the camera zoomed in on the chorister.
Clint: "Now he's got a wife!"
Me: "How do you know?"
Clint: "I'm not kidding! He's really handsome."
We were singing one of the songs and the camera zoomed in on the chorister.
Clint: "Now he's got a wife!"
Me: "How do you know?"
Clint: "I'm not kidding! He's really handsome."
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Fall Soccer
The boys did their first year of soccer with the recreation center. They had a great time. There were a few days that were pretty cold but in the end I think the boys still had fun. The hardest thing was that they were in different age brackets so they played in completely opposite ends of the area and Darryl was gone most of the time so it was hard to watch both games. Their coaches were so great! I only wish I knew more about soccer so I could teach them the game. You can tell which kids have a parent or older sibling that plays soccer. They coaches did their best to try to explain things to the kids though. It was lost of fun to watch them when they were really into it. Kade was known for a few great blocks as goalie. Clint was known for his hustle-- no one could match it.
Friday, October 4, 2013
Morning Shake
We often make shakes in the morning from veggies, and fruits. Kade usually doesn't love them. Cole will usually drink them. And Clint, he almost always LOVES them. Clint likes to have a taste test and give the final approval. I tasted the shake and then gave a taste to Clint. I expected him to reject it and say it need something else because it wasn't sweet at all. He surprised me with this energetic response, "Crackin' shake Mom!" Such a Clint response. :) He's such a funny kid.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
He's Got a Wolf Badge
Kade is a true scouter. He really loves everything about scouting. He was really excited to earn his Wolf badge and so ever since he became a scout in February he would often ask us if there was anything he could pass off. It only took a short while before he had a lot passed off. He even did some of the extra achievements. He also completed a lot of electives and earned around 6 arrow points. Nice job Kade!!!
Side Note:
For the Pack Meeting opener they hid pennies outside and told the scouts and their siblings they could co find one. Cole went out, found a penny, then ran in and said, "Look, I found one! Cha ching!" Such a funny kid.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Darryl is famous!
They use to say if your face was on the front of a Wheaties box then you were famous. Well Darryl's face is on A cereal box, not Wheaties, and it is on the back, not the front. :)
A totally awesome company called One Degree Organics uses Real Salt in their products and they share their ingredients "stories" on their cereal boxes like the one below. We don't really think Darryl is famous but it is fun to see someone you know on your cereal box. This is the very reason I created this post. An old neighbor of ours called Darryl today and said he just saw his picture on the back of his cereal box. It was fun to reconnect with him all from a cereal box.

Unrefined Salt
Heber City, UT
In Utah, Darryl Bosshardt mines nature's own seasoning: ancient salt that long ago was sealed in the earth, protected from pollution and other contaminants. Never processed, over 60 natural minerals remain.
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