Saturday, September 27, 2014
The Honey is Flowing!
Today was honey spinning day. Such a fun day. Greg, Kelby, Neal, and Marci all came this year so we had lots of spinners so I felt like I didn't really get to do much except take care of the kids and food. It's so fun to have family come help; mostly because it is so wonderful to get to chat with them all day.
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Grandma took Kade to the BYU football game today. Kade has such a competitive spirit and so being at a football game with a large crowd of competitive people gets him pretty excited. Before they went into the game they participated in a few pregame activities in the parking lot. Kade almost threw the football in the hole! So close Buddy! Grandma is a little bit of a softie and purchased him a foam hand so he could really show his spirit. The game ended up being a pretty close and exciting game that ended with a BYU win! Kade was so pumped! Thanks for the fun day out Grandma!

Friday, September 19, 2014
It's the little things {heart}
It was a regular day of laundry until I pulled a batch of shirts from the dryer and noticed one of Darryl's Redmond Lake Powell T-shirts had bleach spots on it. My heart sank. I hadn't used bleach. What had happened? I spread the shirt out to examine and found "I love Jenn" written on the shirt with bleach. Awe. Darryl had been wearing the shirt when he was cleaning the houseboats and spilled some bleach on the shirt so he figured it was ruined and decided to write something and sneak it in the laundry. It definitely made my day brighter.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Completely Wore Out!
Cole had been playing outside on the trampoline and when I went to check on him this is what I found. I guess it is nap time! :) It was so funny because he would blow bubbles as he'd breath. So sweet.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Never Too Old!
Darryl's dad surfed today. Looking good! Oh no! Here comes the crash! :-) I love that he is 65 and still willing and able to try new physical activities. It gives me hope that I'll be that young when I'm that old. [I'm not calling you old Dad. You're just older. :-)]
YW Hike to Bridal Veil Falls
Cole and I hiked with the YW to Bridal Veil Falls tonight. It was so pretty. Cole was Mr. Daredevil and had to take the hardest path possible when there was any kind of an open spot on the trail.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Memory Lane
One of my cousins posted this on Facebook today and I had to snag it. This picture brings back SO many memories. Memories of the green rolling pin in Grandma Brown's kitchen window. Memories of doing dishes for her and standing at that window. Memories of her always feeding us Spaghetti O's with bread and butter. Memories of all the cousins fighting over who got to use the Cheerio Girl cup/bowl in the cupboard to the left of this window. Memories of picking peas and carrots in the garden that you see behind Grandma. Memories of an amazing woman and her legacy. Memories of playing in the trees to the right of where Grandma is. Memories of eating currants from the bush to the left of Grandma. I loved my days hanging out at Grandma Brown's in Koosharem.
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Harvest Time
It was a fun productive weekend. The boys and I went down to Aurora to help my mom harvest many of her crops. We canned salsa, beets, beans, and pickles. The boys helped when they could and that was fun to see them learning the value of hard work. They pulled all the beets from the garden, pushed the veggies through the grinder when we made salsa, picked the cucumbers and beans from the garden, and snapped the ends of the beans.
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Another Disguise
Clint has been digging disguises lately. Today he found this doggie and had to have his picture taken. He really looks like a dog. :)
Friday, September 5, 2014
We had such a great Unplugged summer! Aside from having a ton of awesome experiences we also won the drawing twice! Kade won the first week drawing and then Cole won a few weeks later. Unfortunately because Kade won the first week they didn't have the routine down so he didn't get his picture taken with his $100 bill. Today was the finale, the big closing party, along with the $500 grand prize drawing. The boys had a great time at the party even though we didn't walk away with the big prize. Clint loved what he came up with at the dress up station. Did you recognize him?
Thank you Heber City Tourism and ALL the busineeses for keeping this going!!! We couldn't love it more!
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
The Balloon Guy!
The Balloon Guy came to story time again! We love him. His work is amazing. I thought he'd just have the same animals and story again this year but no, he told a different story and had different characters that were incredibly complicated and adorable. In the picture above there is a top hat, a lion, a clown, and a poodle. In the end he had a ton of premade small balloons for the kids. Cole picked an elephant and Alex picked a lion. They were so amazed that they got to keep them.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
I'm Ready!
We have never done an official preschool for any of our kids until now. We wouldn't have done it with Cole either but the school offers dual immersion preschool and since we were wanting to enroll Cole in the dual immersion program we thought this would be a smoother transition and it improves his chances of making it into the program. Cole is so happy that he finally gets to go to school like Kade and Clint. It is so hard for him to understand why they get to do so many things he doesn't.
I wanted to get a cute "first day of school" picture of Cole but before I could get a "cute" pose I got a serious guy flashing a peace sign, and then a little ninja waiting to pounce. He's such a little ham. Cole's actual first day of school was last week but he wouldn't go. I was in Lake Powell on a Redmond retreat and Konnie was watching the boys. Cole had been so excited about being able to go to school but when the day came he refused to go so Konnie kept him home. I felt bad that he wasn't being an easy kid for Konnie. I did feel bad too that he was missing his first few days of school but then I realized it is Preschool and there will be many more days to come. When I picked him up after school today he was SO happy. He LOVED it! He told me all about how he chose to play outside instead of inside and how much fun he had in his teachers room.
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