This year for New Years Eve we made brownies, licked the beaters, had a pillow fight, played Tenzie, ate pizza downstairs, watched a movie, and blew our party poppers. It's the simple moments that are so great! Love this family of mine.
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Team Activity: See Lights {check}
We didn't really spend time walking through the breathtaking lights while we were on Temple Square like we had envisioned. It was so incredibly cold that all we could stand was to pose for some pictures and then head out of there. We enjoyed the sights from through the restaurants windows. My heart was so full of love tonight. It was interesting that I was so overwhelmed with gratitude that I got to spend the evening with them. I love each one of them so much-- such amazing people! Chris and Becky Goode crashed the party a little. One Redmond couple canceled last minute and since the dinner was already paid for Darryl invited them to come with about an hours notice. They were so appreciative but didn't want to crash the photos too. It was fun, as always to hang out with them.
Monday, December 29, 2014
Drained By The Sledding Hill
These two little guys couldn't make the 8 blocks to our house before they zonked out. They played hard at the sledding hill and it wore them out.
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Brown Christmas party
It was the night of prime rib, and shrimp at the Brown's house. Our group was finally a little larger since Buzz and Jodi's family, Ron and Lisa's family, and Jordan and Michael's family were all there. It was nice to all be together and spend some time with each other-- doesn't happen very often anymore.
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Christmas Morning
A few shots from the most awaited morning. My favorite of these is the one where Cole said he was an old guy-- can you figure out which one it is? I also love the last one where they're all playing the game together. I love that these three are so happy together. LOVE THEM!
2014 Chritsmas Treasure Hunt
We did another treasure hunt for their big present. They look forward to this every year so I don't know that we'll ever retire the tradition. Darryl wrote a clever poem that gave them clues along the way. He wrote it with the same style as the clues that are in one of our favorite movies, "Private Eyes." Everything could rhyme but they use a different word or phrase right at the very end. Funny. With each piece of the poem they found an item that went with each phrase. We wrapped the first clue and put it under the tree to start their journey.
Ok dear boys, the challenge has begun.
It's a quest, a journey, that's sure to be fun.
You will need to use your smarts to put it together,
but you are all bright so it won't take you. . . that much time.
(The guiding clue on the back: "Something red that dad sometimes "hits" in the mornings." Punching bag) There they found the next piece along with some play-dough sand.
On each step in the journey you will find a clue,
of what is going to be in store for you.
So pay careful attention to each clue along the way,
And you might figure it out before the end of the . . . afternoon.
(The guiding clue on the back: "Kade always takes this to school for important stuff." Kade's backpack) There they found a captains hat.
A captain's hat, that is something to note
and where we are going you won't need a coat.
With a gift at each stop you will soon need a cart.
Do you smell that? Whoa, did someone just. . . toot?
(The guiding clue on the back: "Where Cole puts his used clothes." Laundry basket) There they found a puzzle of Mickey Mouse and friends.
This gift is a clue, but that is not all
So be sure to keep your eye on the ball.
Once we have sailed there is no turning back,
So if you are thinking about boats yo're on the right . . . trail.
(The guiding clue on the back: "Where Clint sleeps." Clint's bed) There they found and inflatable cruise ship.
During a journey at sea you will be well fed,
But be careful at the buffet tables if you want to fit in your bed.
While you are eating a buffet it is easy to eat too much,
Bye for now but rest assured, we will keep in . . . constant contact with each other.
(The guiding clue on the back: "It keeps your food very cold." The freezer) There they found an ornament of Mickey Mouse wearing a captain's hat.
So a ship and a mouse, have you figured it out?
There is just one more clue so don't start to doubt.
If Mickey falls overboard there is something to note,
He won't sink to the bottom because his ears will keep him. . . from sinking.
(The guiding clue on the back: "It plays music, but it is not the piano. The organ.) There they found an envelope with the cruise tickets.
We love you boys and are excited to tell you the news,
That we are all going on a 7 day Disney Caribbean Cruise!
We are just so excited and although we aren't leaving till May,
Remember we love you and we hope you have a Merry Christmas . . .time of year.
Kade and Clint were pretty excited but I think they were in shock. I don't think it is real to them yet. I don't think Cole has any idea of what a cruise really is so he just enjoyed himself playing with the inflatable ship. At 9:00 am we received a phone call from Mickey Mouse saying how excited he was for us to join him on his ship. (It is something you can arrange when you book a cruise with Disney) The boys didn't quite know what to think about that. "Did that just happen? Did Mickey Mouse just call us?" Such a fun morning. Now we just have to wait for May! :) We would have done it earlier but there are definitely affordable times to go on a Disney Cruise and December is NOT one of them.
Ok dear boys, the challenge has begun.
It's a quest, a journey, that's sure to be fun.
You will need to use your smarts to put it together,
but you are all bright so it won't take you. . . that much time.
(The guiding clue on the back: "Something red that dad sometimes "hits" in the mornings." Punching bag) There they found the next piece along with some play-dough sand.
On each step in the journey you will find a clue,
of what is going to be in store for you.
So pay careful attention to each clue along the way,
And you might figure it out before the end of the . . . afternoon.
(The guiding clue on the back: "Kade always takes this to school for important stuff." Kade's backpack) There they found a captains hat.
A captain's hat, that is something to note
and where we are going you won't need a coat.
With a gift at each stop you will soon need a cart.
Do you smell that? Whoa, did someone just. . . toot?
(The guiding clue on the back: "Where Cole puts his used clothes." Laundry basket) There they found a puzzle of Mickey Mouse and friends.
This gift is a clue, but that is not all
So be sure to keep your eye on the ball.
Once we have sailed there is no turning back,
So if you are thinking about boats yo're on the right . . . trail.
(The guiding clue on the back: "Where Clint sleeps." Clint's bed) There they found and inflatable cruise ship.
During a journey at sea you will be well fed,
But be careful at the buffet tables if you want to fit in your bed.
While you are eating a buffet it is easy to eat too much,
Bye for now but rest assured, we will keep in . . . constant contact with each other.
(The guiding clue on the back: "It keeps your food very cold." The freezer) There they found an ornament of Mickey Mouse wearing a captain's hat.
So a ship and a mouse, have you figured it out?
There is just one more clue so don't start to doubt.
If Mickey falls overboard there is something to note,
He won't sink to the bottom because his ears will keep him. . . from sinking.
(The guiding clue on the back: "It plays music, but it is not the piano. The organ.) There they found an envelope with the cruise tickets.
We love you boys and are excited to tell you the news,
That we are all going on a 7 day Disney Caribbean Cruise!
We are just so excited and although we aren't leaving till May,
Remember we love you and we hope you have a Merry Christmas . . .time of year.
Kade and Clint were pretty excited but I think they were in shock. I don't think it is real to them yet. I don't think Cole has any idea of what a cruise really is so he just enjoyed himself playing with the inflatable ship. At 9:00 am we received a phone call from Mickey Mouse saying how excited he was for us to join him on his ship. (It is something you can arrange when you book a cruise with Disney) The boys didn't quite know what to think about that. "Did that just happen? Did Mickey Mouse just call us?" Such a fun morning. Now we just have to wait for May! :) We would have done it earlier but there are definitely affordable times to go on a Disney Cruise and December is NOT one of them.
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
A Day To Myself
Since Darryl has his season pass this year any open window is an opportunity to ski. Today his buddy couldn't go and so he decided to take a little trip by himself. Judging by the smile on his face I'd say it was an enjoyable day.
A Christmas Eve Full Of Anticipation
We had a very laid back Christmas Eve. Usually we have something planned but this year it was pretty low key. The boys spent most of the day playing the Xbox together-- great brotherly bonding moments. I made dinner and we watched a Christmas movie downstairs while we ate[on blankets of course! :)]. Then the boys wanted to all sleep together so we pulled out the sleeping bags and they made themselves cozy in the family room. But before they snuggled in they sat out some cookies they made with Grandma Brown and a note for Santa that, "The milk is in the fridge." :) Man I love these "magical" moments. I'm going to be sad when they're all grown up and these moments are not the same. I also had to take a picture of our snow, or lack of snow, in Heber. We're suppose to finally get snow tonight but this is what December has looked like for us-- Pretty strange.
Monday, December 22, 2014
Friend Christmas Party
Darryl and I were in the mood to have a little get together with some of our friends so we put together a little Christmas Party. The guests included: Marshs, Spencers, Poriers, Harneys, Haddocks, Baums, and Ravens (I think I got them all). As you can imagine we had a blast! We had a yummy dinner and then we played a game of Christmas themed Family Feud. And of course, what is a Christmas party without a white elephant gift exchange? We had some classic gifts like, bacon flavored toothpaste-- yum :-{
Every time we get together with our friends I'm reminded how much I really love them. They're awesome people and I love hanging out with them. They make me laugh and just make me happy. I'm so glad we took the time to put the party together and even though it is a crazy time of year.
Every time we get together with our friends I'm reminded how much I really love them. They're awesome people and I love hanging out with them. They make me laugh and just make me happy. I'm so glad we took the time to put the party together and even though it is a crazy time of year.
Good Side
Kade and Clint were taking pictures with the camera this afternoon. Clint turned the camera toward Kade to take a picture of him. Kade said, "Wait! Get my good side," as he turns to have his other side face the camera. Then he had a light-bulb moment, "Wait, both my sides are good." And they both continued on with their fun. I, however, had to cover my mouth so he wouldn't hear me laugh and grab my phone to text that funny moment to Darryl. That was pretty great. Love the confidence! I hope you never loose it buddy!
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Redmond Inc. Christmas Party
Tonight was the annual Redmond Christmas Party. They had to book a new venue for this year since the company has grown so much so we were at a building on Center St. in Provo. It was a great party as always. They had a photo booth that was a fun addition. The entertainment was Kat Tingy. It was so fun to see her again and hear her music-- love it. I was so glad that she was willing to play for the party since she was let go from Best Vinyl this year. :( One of the videos they showed tonight was of some of the employee's children answering questions about Redmond. It was SO funny! Their versions of what goes on inside the company are hilarious.
Friday, December 19, 2014
Juanito Bandito's Christmas Carol
We met Grandma and Grandpa Bosshardt in Salt Lake to go watch Junaito Bandito's Christmas Carol. It was fun to do something fun with them and to share in our Bandito traditions with them. The play was great, especially for those who haven't seen many of the Bandito plays(specifically the people behind us). They were laughing so loud at everything. TJ (aka Bandito) is such a talented writer.
Grab your partner and Do-Si-Do! The 4th grade had their dance program today. Kade did the Square Dance with Marlee and then they showed their moves doing the Boot Scootin' Boogie line-dance. It was so fun to watch them have such a fun time with it and not care too much about what other people think.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Story Time Fun!
Today Ms. Sally showed her total awesomeness when she made bubbles that had fog inside. She had a little contraption with water and dry ice that had a tube on it. She would dip the tube end in a water, dish soap mixture and then cap the jar to force the fog out the tube. The kids could hold the bubbles without them popping if they had on gloves. You could see they were so blown away by what was happening. They didn't know what to think. Cole and Alex liked to watch the bubble shrink instead of popping it. Thanks Ms. Sally-- You Rock!
Monday, December 15, 2014
Stake FHE
Tonight our stake had a Family Home Evening event for us all at the stake center. We gathered and sang Christmas songs on our blankets in the gym and enjoyed a few performances and Christmas time stories. I've never been in a stake that has done such a thing but it was wonderful! I just loved how simple it was and how it wasn't overdone and so the focus was just on you and your family, and all of us together. So neat.
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Special Number in Sacrament Meeting
Years ago Kade would beg us to make arrangements so he could sing in Sacrament Meeting. As he got older he got a little more. . . nervous about it and so he quit asking. Now that he has been taking voice lessons he decided it would be a fun thing to do. Our sweet neighbor Bonnie is the music director and so she asked him to do a special number for sacrament meeting since she heard him sing at the Ward Christmas Party. Kade got his chance to sing The First Noel today and he did a wonderful job! So proud of him!
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Christmas Time Fun
We met up with Wendy, Jackie, & Gary & Family to go see the Penguins of Madagascar at a theater in Salt Lake. It was fun to see them all for a little while. We stopped in to Park City for the "Santa Comes Down The Town Lift" festivities. We weren't sure how much parking there would be near the lift so we parked at the Park City Ski Resort and then too the bus to the lift. The boys thought riding the bus was a great little bonus to the adventure. I love that they appreciate little things like that. :) I'm amazed that I had never heard of the event before this year because we've lived here for 9 years and it was AWESOME! They put reindeer cut outs on the sides of 8 chairs on the ski lift and then string lights from each pair back to a chair that has sled cut outs on it. Then they load it up with a jolly old St. Nick and start up the lift. You can see the lights of the "sleigh" coming down the hill which is a lot of fun. They served cookies, hot chocolate, and handed out Santa hats. The boys thought it was great. It would have been better if we were a little more warmly dressed. We did bring coats, gloves, and hats but we needed ski pants and sweaters to help out as well. The other thing that made the night a little less than ideal was that we stepped off the cement side walk while we were watching onto the grass. Apparently everyone in Park City that owns a dog(which is everyone in Park City) lets their dog use the bathroom where ever they are and they don't bother to pick it up. Everyone in the crowd was complaining that it stunk and when we got to a lit up area we could see why; our shoes and pant hems we covered. :( NOT happy!

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