Well it is honey harvest time. Everything I touch seems to be sticky. Even as I sit here I rubbed my ear only to find a spot of stickiness. We didn't get as much honey as we expected but I'm still so amazed at what those little bees can make. We extracted honey from 18 of Darryl's frames, 18 of Rhett's frames, and 4 of Mike's frames. The process of getting the honey out of the honeycomb and getting it cleaned was an adventure. The boys were so cute. They were excited to help and loved to turn the crank on the extractor, and watch the honey pour out of the spigot. One of our friends, Chris, came to help Darryl. He's starting his own hive next year and wanted to see what he'll have to do next year. It's definitely nice to have it done. Now I'll just get to find sticky treasures all over all week. It's a good thing I just moped my floor Thursday. :{
We don't have the hives in our yard. They're in Rhett's yard. He has a nice, field like spot that is out of the way. One of the hives that Darryl tends is Rhetts so he lets him keep them both there.
SO first I need to day that I think you guys are neat! making your own honey and all. second I know that it was already or is your b-day coming soon. I think its in September and I think it's after hea's. but I dont know the date, so maybe you should tell me. anyway I have a little something for you and I want to give you your dishes back and I want to see you so let me know when I can come by. K love ya, let me know! bye
So I will be over with fresh rolls sometime this week. Let me know a good day, I want to taste that Darryl Honey!
Wow! Looks like quite a process, but oh so yummy!! Was it worth having all those bees in your backyard???
We don't have the hives in our yard. They're in Rhett's yard. He has a nice, field like spot that is out of the way. One of the hives that Darryl tends is Rhetts so he lets him keep them both there.
SO first I need to day that I think you guys are neat! making your own honey and all. second I know that it was already or is your b-day coming soon. I think its in September and I think it's after hea's. but I dont know the date, so maybe you should tell me. anyway I have a little something for you and I want to give you your dishes back and I want to see you so let me know when I can come by. K love ya, let me know! bye
say not day
That is awesome!!
Thanks for the comment about getting my groove back. It's slowly returning. :)
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