After purchasing a new red sled we ventured over to our neighborhood park. I thought the boys would enjoy it but I really underestimated how much they would love it. We were there sledding for 2 hours, and we would have been there longer if the sun hadn't gone down. That may not seem like a long time for some people but for my 3 and 2 year-old boys who can't keep their attention focused on one activity for very long I was surprised. Here are a few pictures of our fun-- yes I did get in on the fun. The hill is so fast and some kids have built up some jumps along a few paths so I had to ride in the sled to control their path a little. Click on them to see their fun expressions. The bottom picture was Clint playing his favorite game on the park equipment; He knocks on the wall and then when you say who's there he peeks down through the crack and says, "Clint."
I never thought of sledding right down the sidewalk. That's a good idea.
It looks like the boys had a great time. We did that yesterday too my kids had a blast!!
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