Darryl took the boys sledding for a short while yesterday and they had a blast. We decided we better take them again today because it may be a while before it happens again with baby coming. Darryl had to do all the work of trekking the boys up the hill time and time again, however, Kade did pull his own sled up most of the time. He's getting to be such a big boy-- I'm not ready to have a child instead of a toddler. After we'd played for quite a while Darryl said to the boys, "We'll go down a couple more times and then we need to go. I'm getting tired." Kade piped, "I'll pull Clint!" Darryl caved and they went down a dozen more times. I grabbed Clint's rope and started pulling him toward Darryl to hand him off so Darryl could pull him up the hill. I told him, "Don't get out. I'll pull you." He excitedly said, "YA! Because you're not tired!" I think he thought he'd figured out a way to keep us there for another hour. I tried to explain to him why I couldn't pull him up the icy hill but I don't think he quite got it, or cared. He was too busy trying to figure out how he could milk us for more time sledding. I love these boys!
I love all of your pictures and your posts. Thanks for sharing all of the great things you guys did at Christmas. Susan especially loves seeing all of the pictures. She makes sure she reads EVERY single word on your blog (no matter how long it takes--lol). It's so nice to keep up with you and your family. Know we're thinking of you and hope all is going great!
Looks like a blast and what lucky boys to have a dad that is such a trooper. I can tell he got a workout by his attire (short sleeves). I am so excited for the arrival of your little one and can't wait to hear more. We'll keep you in our prayers!
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