We're sick and tired of being sick around here. So when I posted last time I thought we were just passing through a typical virus. Well it created havoc along its way. Kade was improved Thur. and Clint started coughing. [It was bound to happen.] Clint however began saying "Ow, Ouch, or Owie" constantly on Friday evening. He said his stomach hurt and I figured he just felt crummy because he had a fever and his coughs sounded like they hurt. Well all night long really all night he said ow (in some form). I let him get in bed with me at 10:00PM because Darryl was out of town and he never stopped saying ouch. About every hour it would become more intense then settle down again. I was looking forward to the next day when this would be over. It never ended! I didn't take him into the Urgent Care on Sat. because everything I read online said it wasn't anything serious and it would just have to run it's course. Darryl was gone too and so I didn't want to take the other two to the Dr. either. Well Darryl got home late Sat. night. Luckily Clint slept some that night but was up saying ouch every hour. Sunday he was constantly complaining still and so Darryl took him to the Urgent Care. Can I just say now how thankful I am to have Darryl to help me with all of this. He was home Sunday and took off Monday and helped SO MUCH. I really don't know how I function without him sometimes. He was so great with the boys and I was so nice to know that someone could help them immediately instead of waiting for me to be done changing or feeding Cole. I have the greatest guy-- I love my man. Anyway, back to the story: They diagnosed Bronchiolitis as a result of a respiratory virus[likely RSV]. They said he was saying ouch because he was deprived of oxygen so they sent him home on oxygen and said that would help. Well it did improve him but he would still say ouch often and intensely every hour. Finally after watching him scream and look at me with a look of, "I'm scared-- why is this happening to me--I'm really hurting-- Mom help me." I yelled for Darryl and had him take him to the ER. I didn't know what they would do but I needed someone to help my little guy quit hurting. He was chuck full of Ibuprofen and Tylenol and they weren't helping. Not long before all this Kade had begun crying about his ears. He was in a lot of pain too and was really upset. While at the ER the doc. did tests and x-rays and determined his secondary infection was manifesting itself with his intestines and so he was full of air and his stomach was constantly cramping. He gave him an antispasmodic and that improved things a TON. Clint finally quit saying ouch constantly! Meanwhile Kade his in bed but not sleeping soundly. He can't rest because he's in pain. Clint had a follow-up Dr. appointment Mon. morning so Darryl took both boys in. Kade too has Bronchioloitis and they said the ear infection is his secondary infection. After a breathing treatment they sent them home with an antibiotic, ear drops, and albuterol. Clint was looking a lot better-- but not quite there yet. Mon. night just before bed Clint started playing with a truck.[He's starting to feel good!] Tuesday morning Darryl and I were so happy to listen to our boys playing an laughing. It has been a long week without anyone playing or laughing at our house. They still have a nasty cough every now and then but that will likely linger for weeks. When Clint runs around and plays too hard he usually gets coughing hard and needs a little oxygen. He also complains that his stomach hurts a couple times a day but hopefully that will go away soon. Cole started getting congested a couple days ago so I took him in to the Dr. today they said so far he's fine-- just a slight cold.
I am SOOOO sorry. I am glad they r feeling better and I will keep my fingers crossed that Cole doesn't get it.
So scary. Glad to hear they are okay! I hope your family gets better soon.
Cynthia Miller
Oh my, there is seriously nothing worse than not being able to help your children and knowing that they are in pain. Especially scary with a newborn, we'll keep you in our prayers.
what a mess, so sorry!
hope things are looking up
the sun is shining, that is a good thing!
I will email you recipes as soon as the lady emails them to me, i just requested some - they are fab!
okay, just tried to email you and I don't have your addy
tell me what it is when you get a chance please!
what a sad little picture of Clint! I am glas things are finally getting better. We miss you guys!
Oh my gosh, that is so scary, you guys had it tough! I'm sorry! Hope they are doing much better!
Oh my gosh I'm sorry he's been so sick. That's way scary that he got so sick. It's so hard to see the litle ones when their in such pain and you feel so helpless. I hope he's feeling better and all is going well.
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