Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Little Chef's in Training
We were making Chile Rellenos tonight and the boys ran in the kitchen and asked if they could help-- how could I say no. They were so excited to get their aprons on and they really wanted to use a knife. I found the dullest knives I have and put them to work chopping(mutilating) the tomatoes for the salsa. They did a pretty good job. Kade found a "new great way" to cut them. He would lay the knife flat and smash the tomato. "Then all the seeds come out and you just cut the rest." He was talking like he was on a food demonstration show--so cute. They zested the limes and then juiced them for me. I love that they loved to help me. They also helped get ingredients out-- I love my little chefs.

Sunday, August 29, 2010
Bike Rides
We LOVE our bike trailer our friends gave us a couple years ago. We we finished our ride today Clint was holding Cole's hand-- it was SO CUTE! Of course the had let go by the time I had gotten the camera so I tried to make them do it again and it just didn't look quite as sweet, but I still took the picture. I loved the picture of Cole holding his foot too-- he does that quite often--super cute.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Matching Souvenirs
Darryl just returned from New Jersey and D.C. While he was in D.C. he got matching shirts for the boys that say, "Someone who loves me very much went to Washington DC and got me this shirt." Kade and Clint were SO proud of their shirts. We had to get them all in their shirts for a quick pic. Cole looks so natural(ha ha) because the boys are helping him stand up. : )
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Friday, August 20, 2010
RTC trip to Bear Lake

Redmond Trading held a marketing retreat at Bear Lake this weekend. I've heard so many fabulous things about Bear Lake so I was pretty excited to finally experience it for myself. The beach is pretty great. The sand is so nice and then to have 30+ feet of shallow water for the kids to play in is so wonderful. We rented one of Darryl's co-worker's beach home. It was beautiful-- so much so that I had to take a few pictures of it. You can see the beach house between Kade and Clint where they're sitting in the sand. One picture is of the bathroom--it was so fun. I loved the faucet. The boys really had a great time riding the 4-wheelers and especially the wave runners. Kade had a cold so he was a little miserable the first couple days. :( I thought it was so funny that almost everyone owns a tractor like the one in the pictures. It's what they use to put their boats and jet skis in the water. The last night we were there we went over to the Pickleville Playhouse to see "Bandito Rides Again." I laughed so hard I cried. It was SO funny. The guy writes a new one each year so we're going to go up and see it each year. I wish I could have seen all the prequels. SO SO FUNNY. It's Chris Farly and Napoleon Dynamite in Spanglish. It's very family friendly and our boys were so intently watching the whole thing even thought it didn't get over until 10:30PM. They laughed a lot too.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Little Predicament
We had a little predicament at church today. As always a group of the Sunbeams needed to go to the bathroom so I let them go. I prefer that they all go in the women's that way if anyone needs help I can help them. However, the boys love to run to the boys bathroom before I can get there to guide them to the Women's. Well today was no different. All the boys went in the Men's and the girls in the Women's. I went in the girls and made sure they were set. Then I just stood by the doors of both. Girl after girl and boy after boy came out. I realized Clint was the only one left in there. What could be talking so long? Eventually I had one of the boys go in and ask Clint if he needed help. I thought for sure he must be in there waiting for someone to come wipe him or something so I was trying to figure out what I was going to do. Darryl was out of town so I would have to go into a class and ask a man to come wipe my son. Oh, a better idea would be to make sure no one was in the bathroom and have someone guard the door while I wiped Clint. Well that was not our predicament today. The little boy went in and then he came out saying, "Clint needs help." I shouted through the door and asked him what the problem was. He came out the door with his pants around his ankles and his shirt barely covering himself and he pronounced, "I lost my underwear." "What do you mean," I asked. "I can't find my underwear," he responded. Putting it all together I realized that when he got ready he must have taken off his underwear with his pajamas and then just put on his church pants. Somehow he didn't even notice until he went to pull his pants up and saw they weren't there. I was laughing, he was sad, and so I finally pulled it together to convince him that he would be okay until we got home.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Heber North 5K
Our stake put together a 5K run/walk today. It was quite fun to go as a family. Darryl has been running again lately since his knee has recovered--we think thanks to a great chiro-- so he ran the race and I pushed Cole and Clint in the stroller while Kade rode his bike. Darryl came in 4th and we came in a lot later. I was planning on walking the whole thing but Kade wanted to, "Win the Race!" SO I ended up jogging a lot to try to keep up with him. I could hardly walk afterwards. I've got to do something about my gimp leg! It's ridiculous that I can't walk after a short jog! Cole and Clint were okay for about half the race and cried during the other half. Kade says next year he wants to run with Dad so he can win the race-- we'll see-- he may just do it. There is a steep hill at the end of the race and 2 little girls crashed hard on their bikes so Clint graciously got out of the stroller so one of the girls could ride. He was so funny after he was out of the stroller. Once he could see the finish line he started running and didn't stop until he crossed the line.
Monday, August 9, 2010
First Haircut
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Where did this month go?
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Little Fish
We went swimming at the Kamas pool today so the boys could show Darryl what they learned at swimming lessons. Kade did many cannon balls, forward and backward, off the side of the pool. He begged to let him go off the diving board but he has to be able to swim well without a life jacket before they allow it-- maybe next year. Clint talked underwater and swam underwater for Darryl. By the time our trip was over Kade and Clint were going down the big yellow slide by themselves(with life jackets), swimming over to the side, and getting out to do it again. It's crazy to see them get more and more independent. My babies are growing up. I just can't believe that 2 weeks ago Clint was saying he was just going to, "stay in the showers," during swimming lessons to being able to go down the slide alone and then swim to the side. It's funny how it's all about what we tell ourselves we can and can't do. During lessons Clint's teacher tried almost daily to get Clint to go down the little blue slide(without a jacket) by himself with all the other kids. Clint wouldn't do it but right before we left today he took off his jacket and went down the slide. He was so pleasantly surprised that it shot him out onto his feet. I think he loves it now. Cole went swimming for his first time. He had a good time too-- until it was dinner time.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
I'm all caught up!
I'm all caught up! I'm all caught up! Wahoo! It's been a busy month and boy was I behind. Actually I just remembered about a bunch of old posts I need to do about cute things the boys did that I wrote down and Kade's loosing and getting teeth. Hmmm. I thought I was caught up.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Party At The Park
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