He's 7 months old now. He loves his brothers and his dad, and I'm pretty sure he loves me too. He gets so excited when he sees us. He gets almost as excited to see anyone actually. He loves people, especially when they talk to him. He loves to suck in his upper lip, play with his binki, and talk REALLY loud. He's such an easy going baby. I feel so bad that he just hangs out in his stroller/car seat every time we go somewhere. He doesn't seem to mind it though, but I still feel bad. It will be fun when he's older and can get out and enjoy the fun places we go. He's 27 in. 50%, 14 lbs. 2 oz. 5 %, and his head measures 44 1/2 cm. 75%. He's on a completely different curve than his brothers; One that is on the charts, and one that has height as a factor. Dr. Tayler was thinking he was pretty thin until he compared his brother's stats to his and then he decided he was a very healthy kid. I don't know what I'd do without this kid. It's so hard not to kisses and squeeze him constantly. He's just too sweet! He has a laugh that just makes you giggle. My friend Wendy described it so well, she said he sounds like one of those dolls that you pull their string and they laugh. It's this cute giggle that is the same every time. I tried to get a great picture of him and his cute teeth but that is a picture that is hard to capture.
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