Saturday, June 16, 2012

Happy Anniversary!

It was our 11th Anniversary today!  I know it was suppose to be an ordinary day and Darryl made it special-- that's no surprise, he's good at that-- but I can't remember what we did. :(  I know we had sick kids and my sisters' kids came to our house that day because she and her husband were involved with the Ragnar race so I don't think we went anywhere.  I think he ordered dinner and we had a picnic downstairs or something.  I was suppose to go to my mom's but one of the boys was throwing up a lot and we didn't want to try to drive with that.  Regardless of what we did I do remember he made it special! ;)  So grateful I married him 11 years ago!   I've been thinking a lot lately about how things turn out.  I've been part of some conversations where wives are talking about how they can't get their husbands to want to work, or even go to work.  I know there are a lot of things I could deal with in a relationship but lack of motivation is not one of them.  I would be a miserable mess.  Darryl is a work-a-holic and I give him grief about it often.  However, if I had the reverse situation it would be intolerable.  After 11 years I'm still finding reasons why I'm so happy I married him. :) 

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