Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Cole age 3

Cole turned 3 today!  It never seems to amaze me how fast time can go by.  It feels like it was a long time ago that we found out we were going to have a 3rd baby but it seems like it was only a year ago that we were trying to get some sleep the night before the C-section.
At his 3 year well-child exam his stats were:
height 37.5"
weight 29 lb
head 52cm
However, on our family "measure me" ruler we marked him as 36 in.  I don't trust the Dr. office is very accurate because they lay them down on the bed and try to mark their feet and then their head-- what kid stays in the same spot for more than a millisecond?-- Not mine. 
Last year at his well-child the Dr. was a little concerned about the amount of talking Cole was doing--or better put-- not doing.  We discussed it and decided it likely wouldn't be a concern because he could respond correctly to commands and interacted well.  Turns out we were right.  Cole is a jabber box.  He would love to sit and have an hour long dialogue with anyone that has the time. :)  He loves to try to be "one of the boys."  He'll rough house with Kade and Clint and it always ends in tears.  Cole ends up crying because Kade and Clint treat him like he's as big as them-- too much. :*(
Or Kade or Clint(especially Clint) ends up crying because Cole is 3 and doesn't understand how to control his excitement in the game.  He'll throw something or hit the boys-- he's tough when he's got hard toys to hit you with.  He's our little mimic.  There is rarely a conversation that doesn't have an echo around here.  We all could sit and watch him all day and be entertained.  His spunkiness is so random and when he talks his whole face is involved in expressing each word.  He couldn't be cuter--actually, he could if he would never throw a tantrum. :)  His newest obsession is bowling.  He discovered this by playing it on the X-Box.  He is so funny to watch and many times he gets a strike.  He'll dance and say, "Oh yeah baby!"  If he doesn't get a strike he'll some times put his hand on his forehead, shake his head, wrinkle up his nose and mouth, and say, "Not a strike.  Not a strike."  Typically he's so happy in the morning.  He'll knock on our door and say, "Knock, Knock."  Then he'll burst through the door and say, "It's not night time.  It's morning!  The sun is up. Get out of bed!"  He's pretty dramatic.  If he gets hurt he needs hugs and, "Kiss better."  Then the dramatic whine stops and he's good to go.  He loves to play trains and motorcycles if he can get someone to play with him.  He's good to play alone while I am exercising or working on things but he's SO happy to have a playmate when he can.  When he eats he says, "Water, milk, water, milk."  This means he needs his sippy cup with water and his sippy with milk.  He'll take a drink of one and then switch and drink the other and then he'll take another bite.  He doesn't make it through a meal without tracking down both his sippies and getting them on the table.  We wanted to ditch the binki so we threw them away and told him they were lost.  (Nothing like ripping the band-aid off.)  He would grab my face and put his nose next to mine and say, "We find it okay! I know where is. If find it. I find it."  I had to tip his bed upside down, and go through every drawer before he'd go to sleep.  It really didn't take much more than that and he was fine with it being gone.  He doesn't sleep as late as he use to, or nap as long but at least the binki is gone before he's 16. :)   He has NO desire to use the toilet or even to sit on it.  There was a short time that he would say he needed to go and so we'd run and get him on but he would toot and then shout, "Yeah! I did it. I done."  Not quite what I was going for.  Now if you mention toilet he swings his hand back and forth and says, "NO THANK YOU TOILET! NO THANK YOU!"  At least he's polite.  Guess we'll work on it when he's ready. For his birthday when I asked him what he wanted for his cake he said fruit. SO . . . I made a fruit pizza. He loved it--as did everyone else. He was so happy with his castle building blocks and the train/tracks that Granny and Grandpa Bosshardt gave him. When he opened the card from Grandma Brown with money he kept saying, "Money?!. Tirty(thirty) dollars!" Such a funny, cute kid.

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