Saturday, February 10, 2007

"Wee" and "Aaa"

Redmond Minerals, where Darryl works, had a day at Soldier Hollow tubing with their employees and their families. Darryl and I thought it was great fun. Kade wasn't convinced. They hook your tube onto a line that taxis you up the hill, Kade hated that for sure because he had to be alone in his tube. Then going down the hill was okay. I don't think the fun outweighed the fright on this activity.


Jenny said...

This looks like a ton of fun. I have never been over to do this with our family. When I called them the kids had to be over 5. This was a couple years ago. We will have to do this.

Jenn said...

I probably would wait until your kids are a little older. I think we should have. A little too scary for them to ride alone and if they suddenly decide to change positions on their tube it's not a pretty site. We had one little 3 year old that got hurt.