Saturday, December 26, 2015

Brown Family Party

12/26 Jodi and Buzz had a fun idea for our gift exchange this year. All the kids sat in a circle with a gift under their chair and Jodi asked a question, if it applies to you then you have to find a different chair to sit in. When she ran out of questions everyone got the present that was under their chair.  It was a super fun way to mix up the gifts. After they opened them there was a little bit of exchanging.  One of the funniest moments was when Jodi asked, 'Have you ever... Run in a race?' A group of people stood up exchanged seats and just after the last person had sat down Cole jumped up and shot his finger up in the air, "I rosed!"  What? We couldn't figure out what he was talking about. It didn't occur to us that it had anything to do with the question because it was all over.  He explained he did the race at the park and I realized he was saying he raced. Funny learning this crazy English  language.  Cole was saying rosed instead of raced.

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