Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Well we finally got that swimming pool I've always dreamed of. Ha ha. Q: How long does it take to fill up our sandbox with water A: Not very long. I was switching the laundry while the boys and their friend Kyler were playing in the sandbox. I couldn't hear them crank the hose up full blast because the washer was going so here's what I found when I returned to them. Yikes! They loved it though as you can clearly see in Kyler's face.


Rachel said...

holy cow!! I think I would have passed out to see that1 Good times for the kids though.

renee' said...

Too funny, glad you grabbed the camera. Blogging definitely changes your first instinct, right?! What a mess, but what fun!

Spencer's Adventures said...

My kids did that yesterday, but not as good! It is amazing how fast that water disappears though.