Thursday, April 14, 2011

Spring Break

It sounds like we joined the rest of the Heber Valley and spent one of the evenings at the Kamas Pool. I swear that pool would be empty if they built one in Heber(everyone on the sign in is always from Heber when I go). On Thursday our Pass of All Passes paid for themselves on our trip to Trafalga. We had a great time. The highlight for Kade was laser tag and the go carts. Clint's favorite part was, "Laser tag. The go carts too. And everything!" Cole's highlight was going down the stairs while we waited for the boys during their laser tag games, and riding on the merry-go-round(wish I had a picture of him doing that!) He also enjoyed pretending to play the car racing video game. I loved seeing the boys faces lit up all day. It was super cute too when their airplane ride was over and Clint was panicked because he was still buckled in and he couldn't undo it; Kade ran over to give him a hand. I'm writing this post about a week after and every day since we went to Trafalga the boys have recited parts of the instructional video you watch before playing laser tag. They will also sporadically say things like, "That was a great day at Trafalga." I love watching them enjoy life! We hit Tepanyakis on the way home. The boys LOVED everything about it this time. We haven't gone for a year or so and when we use to go the boys were pretty scared of the cooks and the fires. Every day after they asked if they could eat some more of "that food."

1 comment:

Rachel said...

that is a HUGE climbing wall!!!

Looks like the boys had a great time!