Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Barber Is In The House!!

Kade, Kade, Kade, Kade. . . What do we do with you????? So I'll start this post off with a little background. About 2 weeks ago Kade came home from school and I noticed his eyebrow looked a little funny. I just figured the hair was pushed up or something so I tried to smooth it straight with my finger. It still looked funny so after a closer inspection I asked, "Kade did you cut your eyebrow?" To which he nonchalantly replied, "Yes." "WHY?" "I didn't know my scissors were right there and I just closed them and it cut it." It sounded like a simple accident but we had a little chat about scissor safety and such anyway. We back to today. I picked Kade up from school and as I approached him I thought, 'Why does it look like he has got a part right in the middle of his forehead?' When he got in the car I got my answer. NO hair made the crack! He told me he cut his hair and said he was just sitting listening to Mrs. Mecham and the scissors were on his head and he closed them. AGAIN?! I asked him if he needed Mrs. Mecham to keep his scissors for him. :) He said he'll be more careful now. Well it was a good laugh anyway. If you look at the right eyebrow you can still see that it hasn't grown back yet. After the photo we buzzed his hair off so it was all about the same length so he didn't look so silly. Kids.

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