Tuesday, September 2, 2014

I'm Ready!

We have never done an official preschool for any of our kids until now.  We wouldn't have done it with Cole either but the school offers dual immersion preschool and since we were wanting to enroll Cole in the dual immersion program we thought this would be a smoother transition and it improves his chances of making it into the program.  Cole is so happy that he finally gets to go to school like Kade and Clint.  It is so hard for him to understand why they get to do so many things he doesn't.

I wanted to get a cute "first day of school" picture of Cole but before I could get a "cute" pose I got a serious guy flashing a peace sign, and then a little ninja waiting to pounce.  He's such a little ham.  Cole's actual first day of school was last week but he wouldn't go.  I was in Lake Powell on a Redmond retreat and Konnie was watching the boys.  Cole had been so excited about being able to go to school but when the day came he refused to go so Konnie kept him home.  I felt bad that he wasn't being an easy kid for Konnie.  I did feel bad too that he was missing his first few days of school but then I realized it is Preschool and there will be many more days to come.   When I picked him up after school today he was SO happy.  He LOVED it!  He told me all about how he chose to play outside instead of inside and how much fun he had in his teachers room.

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