Saturday, August 9, 2008

Call Me George

We had our own version of George Washington chopping down the cherry tree with a hatchet today. As you can see the chainsaw got to rest on the lawn while Darryl attacked the roots of our Choke Cherry tree. The chainsaw did get in on the fun. Darryl used it to cut the tree into small pieces. We found an awesome caterpillar while we were hauling the tree away. I hope it survives to become a butterfly. Kade and Clint love watching it. It's a Tiger Swallowtail. It's bright green with a few blue spots. It's very retro looking. Back to the choke cherry tree--I would highly suggest you never plant one! Unfortunately ours came with the house. They send up a TON of suckers and if they are fruit bearing there are billions of little berries that are terribly bitter but kids enjoy squishing them all over the house, patio, lawn, etc. Thus the reason we no longer have one growing in our yard. It had a sick spot on it too-- which makes me feel better about it. I hate loosing the little shade we got from it but in a few years we'll have the shade from another tree. Now it's just hurry up and wait for it to grow!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I have a canadian flowering choke cherry, I love it! I planted it last year, am I going to hate it???? I have a tree a huge tree in back that is sending up suckers in my neighbors yard and a few in mine. I think we will need more than a hatchet to take care of it. Maybe I need to have a family home evening and invite Darryl over! HEE HEE