Sunday, February 22, 2009

Primary Talk!!!

Last Sunday Kade came home with a sticker proudly placed on his shirt that said, "Kade volunteered to give a talk in Primary next week." He was SO excited about it all week. He told everyone he talked to that he was giving a talk in church. I found this little picture in the Friend that I thought he could use and sure enough. I told him his talk was going to be about how he could help show his family love, he looked at the picture and immediately said, "I can sweep the floor, pick up my toys, make my bed, play checkers with my brother, make chocolate chip cookies with my mom, read a book with my sister [or brother : )], set the table, and sing a song." Okay done! The talk was written. Sunday came and he was SO excited and proud. He marched into the primary room, went immediately to the "Talk" chair, folded his little arms, and smiled broadly at everyone in the Primary Room. While he was giving his talk he would look at the Primary Presidency and say the line and then repeat it back into the microphone. It was the cutest thing ever! I wish I could just keep him little.


Shell said...

That is such a cute story. Kids are so fun.

Spencer's Adventures said...

It was totally awesome. It is so fun to watch Kade do everything in Primary. Too bad all kids don't have his enthusiasm.

Sarah said...

Love it! What a cute story...
Thanks again for your help today ...I owe you one!

Jenny said...

I love your boys! I wish my Jack Jack had his excitement for sitting in the chair. I was sick last week and I forgot that I found a mangeled sticker on Jacks church shirt when I washed it that said something about Volunteer. I remember thinking "volunteer" yeah right that sticker was slapped on his shirt Jack had no idea. Needless to say, I gave a great last minute scripture in Primary today, while Jack kicked his feet on the floor.