Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Old McDonald's Farm

Today for story time we went to Old McDonald's farm (as Ms. Sally called it). The boys kept saying, "This is so fun!" They got to see and pet sheep, cows, horses, goats, and llamas. The llamas were Kade's favorite. When the demonstrator said, "These are llamas. Have any of you seen a llama before?" Kade piped up and said, "Me! Diego was riding one!" What would we do without good old television to show us what a 'real' llama looks like. Ms. Sally had on a cow costume so on the way home Kade said, "Ms. Sally looked like a cow. Our Ms. Sally is the silliest Ms. Sally in the world."
This was the only picture I got that was worth keeping. The boys would move just as I snaped each picture.


Rhi said...

I totally sympathize with the pictures and moving subjects, but they have fun and that's what counts!

Jenny said...

Fun Fun, Ms. Sally travel farm?

Spencer's Adventures said...

Abby asked me why Miss Sally was wearing ptg ears with a cow costume :). Glad you got a picture. There were way to mant kids when we went. I had a hard time finding Abby in the crowd at each place.

Spencer's Adventures said...

That would be pig ears....