Saturday, June 18, 2011

Yard Sale!

We did a street yard sale today.  All our baby stuff is pretty much gone.  I can't believe how much you accumulate for a baby.  We still have some of the stuff that we still use like the high chair and changing table.  It feels so great to have it gone and be done with that but it is sad at the same time to know there will be no more babies.    We didn't make a ton at the sale partially because Darryl was so determined to get rid of it all so if someone was looking at something he'd tell them he'd trow in something else for free.  Kade and Clint did great at their little table though.  They begged to sell lemonade but it was cold and I didn't really want to mess with that so I bought them some granola bars, fruit snacks, Popsicles, and ice cream sandwiches to sell.  They sat and sat at the table and no one ever came to our house.  But when they got their first customer they were so giddy.  (So adorable.)  They turned around while the customer was still there and said, "Mom she bought something! We had our first customer!"    Love those boys.  They were so excited about their money in their box-- they felt rich.  At one point I realized they were missing and then they came back with their arms full of toys from the neighbors yard sales.  They had taken some of their money they had earned from their little stand and went shopping.  Cute boys!

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