Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Ahhh.... Running

Oh I never thought this day would come. I'm finally a runner again! After 3 years of trying to get my knee happy I finally gave up in 2010 and let a Dr. figure it out and fix it. I had surgery in Dec. 2010 and because I'm a cheap skate and didn't want to pay for something I could do I didn't go to physical therapy. Well it may be something I could do-- but I didn't take the time to do it so my knee didn't get strong very quickly. Well a year after surgery I started doing lots of stretches and leg strengthening exercises. Then in January I started running again. I started out really slowly. I only went short distances and my pace was slow(just over 10min/mi). I also started running "barefoot." These are my barefoot shoes. I love them. It feels so great to have such a light step. It really changes your form. My calves were constantly cramped for the first 5 months. :) Even though I was starting out slow and I never thought I'd be running long distances with a quick pace over time I found myself running again! Yea! I did have a scare but found out I just shouldn't be running everyday-- at least not in the beginning. So here we are in August and I run at least 5.15 mi. every other day at a 8.5 min/mi. pace. I love running I just feel so free while I'm out. I really forget all worries and just get a chunk of the day where I can escape. Ahhh. . . running.

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