Monday, May 27, 2013

Backyard Hotdog Roast

I love days like this!  How can anyone argue that summer isn't the best!?.  Nothing beats hanging out in the yard on a beautiful evening--even if it did rain and cut our outing short.  We still got some good "campfire" time in.  Cole loves the fire but the heat is too much for him so he usually ends up crying, "My eyes, my eyes!"  He's fine as long as he stays further back.  As you can see it doesn't have the same affect on Kade and Clint.
We were quite busy today.  We cleaned the garage, the boys played on their bikes, Uncle Gary came to fly RC helicopters with Darryl, we went to play at the skate park, we weeded the garden, put together the boys dressers, and then topped it off with our fire pit dinner.   I love productive days too!

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