Friday, November 19, 2010


Here's the new vacuum at our house. It's amazingly quiet for a vacuum when it picks up things, but it is extremely loud when you remove what it has picked up. But you can silence it again with the proper technique.


renee' said...

I want one of these vacuum cleaners, but I'm guessing I can't afford him, right? He's so cute and looks so old, wish I could of talked to you the other day at the library.

Grob Family said...

That is a great looking vacuum. He probably does a thorough job.

Cherlelynn Bednar said...

So cute!!!! I love your vacuum cleaner! He is just adorable! Can I borrow your vaccum cleaner sometime--lol :)

Amanda said...

He's al ot cuter than our Hoover...a 5 year old Shitzu. I rarely sweep @ my house. :)