Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Round Table

Well since I was just put in as the 2nd counselor in the Primary I am over Cub Scouts. Our stake was in charge of the opening for Round Table so I made sure I attended tonight. I don't know why I thought I could help out. I told them I would help with anything. They said we were doing a little "skit" like thing and we had to hold a candle and read a strip of paper-- easy enough. We got up to the front they handed my my paper and it began. I read my paper; PANIC! "Please say the Cub Scout Pledge with me." I have NO idea what that is or what to do to start it. Do I raise my fingers, do they go on my head, what are the first words to get it going? Yikes! I shot a look down the row to our Cub Master. She could see the panic on my face. I read my slip and thankfully she started it and I just copied her. :) I knew I didn't know a lot about scouts but at least I know some. In one of the break out groups we kept talking about the Pine Wood Derby and a guy finally said, "Sorry, but what is the Pine Wood Derby?" I felt like I would be okay after that. ;)

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