Saturday, December 15, 2012

Redmond Party

Tonight was the Redmond company Christmas party. My mom, Buzz, and Lisa and their families were all going to go to Temple Square tonight too. We knew we couldn't get it all in so we took the boys to Salt Lake to go with their cousins while Darryl and I went to the company party in Provo. It was a snowy night and the company party didn't get out until late but come to find out we actually could have made it up to Temple Square with them. They spent hours eating at Charlie Chows and so they didn't get to the temple until about 9:00. They had a blast riding tracks to the temple and eating with chopsticks. I think the temple lights were just icing on the cake for them. Kade and Clint repeatedly ask if we can go have dinner at that place. Cole loved the noodles but I think eating with chopsticks made them taste even better. They said he ate tons of noodles and didn't stop.

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