Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Gooseberry: Bubbles, and Fashion!

The bubble snakes were a hit!  The only thing that made everyone nervous was the food coloring  on the bubbles would get on kids if the bubbles popped on them.  I think it washed off easily though since it was attached mainly to soap.  Cole had a rough time too because he wouldn't move his mouth off the nozzle when he would need to take a breath and so he'd end up inhaling bubbles-- not fun.  He eventually got the hang of it.  They had so much fun trying the different colors on their socks, grouping together to make a pile of bubbles, and trying to make the longest snake.  Later in the day the girls made vests, and head bands for some fun fashion, and of course the boys had to play a little more 2 ball.  Another great day at Gooseberry.  Though we don't have pictures I should make note of the fishing trips.  It was awful.  The fish looked funky/sickly so there were many we didn't even save to eat.  We hardly caught any in the first place so that made for a very small take home.  We tried to do our trip to Salina Reservoir but when we got out the wind was bitter cold and so everyone loaded back up and left.  Darryl, Neal, Jason, Greg, and Kelby (I believe they all went) decided to hike up to a few lakes and try the fishing there.  They didn't have much luck either-- bad year for fish.

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