Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Annual ATV Trip

The boys got their ATV day trip in this year.  I'm sure it would be pointless for me to say what a great time they had.  It is a highlight of their summer and they didn't get to go last year so that made it even more special.  Plus a day with Dad can't be beat!

Monday, June 29, 2015

Lake Day

We went to Deer Creek with the Spencers today and like always I left questioning why we don't go more often.  They boys love it there.  It is especially great because the Spencers have fabulous toys-- thanks for letting us use your kayaks and airplane floaty.  Abby was dogsitting and so they kids had a great time giving the dog a ride on the kayaks too.  Great day!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

To Do:

Kade and Clint have been so great about making the most of their summer days and completing their homework.  Today Clint said he wanted to make a to-do list for tomorrow.  Once he posted it on the fridge I had to snap a shot of it.   My favorite of course is #9, but I do love that he is a planner and wants to start getting things ready for his birthday that is more than 3 weeks away.  LOVE HIM!

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Well Hello!

I was working out this morning when Jaxon, Porter, Kade, Clint, and Cole came running in the workout room frantically saying something but I could make sense of all their chattering.  I finally figured out I needed to go with them to see whatever they were talking about.  Well Hello!  There was a hot-air balloon sitting at the end of our street.  They were preparing to put it down so the boys got to watch in total fascination.  The balloon guy and his passengers were all very nice to the boys considering they were invading their party.  Not much of a flight for the passengers.  They took off from the airport and landed on our street; just not the wind for it today, but it made 5 boys' day AWESOME!

Friday, June 26, 2015


We had the Nance boys while they parents were at 7 Habit seminars at the office.  I love that these kids think they're so cool.  :)  We went down to 7 Peaks today and played until they were pretty wore out.  It was perfect timing because our Pass of All Passes allowed us to each bring a friend for free this month.  Boys + Sun + Water + Slides + Waves + Ropeswings + Food = FUN!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

New Invention

Kade and Clint have been into creating contraptions out of all our garbage/recycling materials.  They have spent hours in the garage designing and building various contraptions.  This is Clint's salt water maker.  You put fresh water in the top and then you get salt water in the bottom.  They're now trying to figure out how they can put salt water in and get fresh water.  If they get that one figured out we're golden!  Kade's favorite creation was a couple Tron discs and a quiver to hold the discs.  This was by far my favorite thing they did all summer-- I LOVED seeing them get lost in creation. 

A Terrific Olympic Park Day

They had another awesome deal for passes to the Olympic Park and so we couldn't pass up taking Kade and Clint again.  It was fun to see Clint finally get comfortable enough to do some of the higher courses.  He was certain he wasn't going to do the big drop because he thought you'd drop too fast but after watching a few people go down he changed his mind and loved it!  

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

YW Bike Ride

Tonight the Beehives and I went for a little bike ride.  We rode along Midway Lane.  It was a beautiful night and I think we all enjoyed the ride.

Another Day on The Job; Another City

When Darryl travels all over to do shows we don't get to see him much but this is what those that get to see him see.  Another day of educating people about Redmond products-- makes your job easier when the products are truly amazing.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Hiking the Uintas

It only took us 10 years to finally get our family in the Uintas but we did it!  It was such a wonderful day.  We hiked into a few lakes, fished, at lunch and then got to watch Life Flight land in front of us on our way home.  What a day!  The highlight of the trip for the boys was the CupOSoup they got to eat.  We took Darryl's little backpack stove and boiled some water for a tasty lunch.  The boys were so amazing on the hike.  They had a great time at the little lakes.  We didn't really spend much time at any one lake just long enough for Darryl to get a feel for the fishing and then we moved on.  We went to Clegg Lake, Dean Lake, Reids Lake, and Notch Lake. (I think that was all of them.)  Such beautiful country!  It felt so great to be in the outdoors!  

Friday, June 19, 2015

Whiskey Springs!

We really love Whiskey Springs.  Tonight we introduced our friends/neighbors, the Harneys, to our favorite little local spot.  We roasted hot dogs, hiked the trails, played frisbee, and then played in the water.  We tried to keep them out of the water but it didn't last long.  We got a picture of Clint, Cole and Even in the water but Kade and Owen were not far behind.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Track 2015

Kade and Clint participated this year and had a great time.  Clint really took it serious this year; he was having fun but last year he was much  more lax.  I love that this program exposes them options they have, but it is even better because they have some super awesome athletes for coaches.  They are really great with helping the kids improve their skills.  Here are the results of their meets(side note: after watching them measure I'm sure the measurements aren't always accurate):
1st Meet @ Wasastch
100 M
Kade-- 17.86
Clint-- 18.2
Kade-- 44'
Clint-- they lost his scores
Kade/Clint's team--1:14.46
Standing Jump

2nd Meet @ Pleasant Grove
100 M
Kade-- 17.99
Clint-- Scratched.  He got confused and started running the curved lines on the track and so he crashed with another runner and twisted his ankle. :-(
Kade-- 35'
Clint-- 35'
Kade/Clint's team--1:12.21
Standing Jump

3rd Meet @ Wasastch
100 M
Kade-- Kade was sick so he didn't run this one.
Clint-- 16.12
Kade-- 48'
Clint-- 39'
Kade/Clint's team--1:14
Standing Jump

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Fishing and Rock Skipping

Fishing club ended today with a nice little take home--good catch Clint and a little rock skipping. Rock skipping is a brag tag.  I love that I don't have to think of these fun things to do.  My brain can't seem to come up with all the fun activities I did as a kid but when reminded of them I get super excited to see my kids have as much fun with them as I once did.

Water war!

Summer wouldn't be the same without a few water balloon fights.  Dalton joined the boys for their battle today.  When they were done attacking each other and things with the balloon they moved to the trampoline to jump with the sprinkler under it.  Good summer times being a kid!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Guestroom Makeover

 These aren't the best pictures but I still had to document the room makeover.  This is our guest room.  I've wanted to paint it ever since we moved in but there really wasn't a need to so I just didn't.  We'll my friend Tami came to hang out with me and totally made the job seem doable and so it happened!  All I needed was a clear vision of what to do and then it became easy.  We talked about what shade would be right for the room and the bedspread. and then she also suggested a different layout which I hadn't realized there was really any other option than the way we had it.  I was so excited that right after she left I bought the paint, moved the furniture to the middle of the room, covered it, and washed the walls and baseboards.   Well it sat for a few months before I could actually get to it.  It was patiently waiting until one day Darryl got a call from a friend who would be visiting Utah the end of this week and would need a place to stay.  The job immediately got put on the front burner. ;)  I'm so happy with it!  I do wish the grey was a little darker but again steps in Tami!  She suggested we just paint the wall behind the bed a shade darker.  LOVE IT!  But that project will have to patiently wait to get done too.



Osu! (pronounced: oh-sss)

Here's another awesome Heber business that put on a little brag tag workshop.  The boys loved this introduction to karate and I loved watching them.  Clint is in yellow, Cole is in green, and Kade is in black.  It amazing the grown-up level of focus they are able to put into something.  I often don't realize how capable they are at their ages.