Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Guestroom Makeover

 These aren't the best pictures but I still had to document the room makeover.  This is our guest room.  I've wanted to paint it ever since we moved in but there really wasn't a need to so I just didn't.  We'll my friend Tami came to hang out with me and totally made the job seem doable and so it happened!  All I needed was a clear vision of what to do and then it became easy.  We talked about what shade would be right for the room and the bedspread. and then she also suggested a different layout which I hadn't realized there was really any other option than the way we had it.  I was so excited that right after she left I bought the paint, moved the furniture to the middle of the room, covered it, and washed the walls and baseboards.   Well it sat for a few months before I could actually get to it.  It was patiently waiting until one day Darryl got a call from a friend who would be visiting Utah the end of this week and would need a place to stay.  The job immediately got put on the front burner. ;)  I'm so happy with it!  I do wish the grey was a little darker but again steps in Tami!  She suggested we just paint the wall behind the bed a shade darker.  LOVE IT!  But that project will have to patiently wait to get done too.



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