Monday, February 25, 2008

Potty Time Update

Many have asked how Clint's potty time is going so I thought I'd update you all. To be blunt--- it isn't going, or rather he isn't. It lasted a little over two weeks of him going a majority of the time in the toilet and then something happened. I don't know what to blame; maybe the cold toilet seat, or the fact that a few times when he begged to go (like in the car) he had to go in his diaper. The good news is that he will still go everyone once in a while.

Oh well, it will happen before too long.

PS Rachel, you can be my friend again since my child isn't potty trained. Ha Ha Ha! How's the whole messy diaper thing going at your house anyway?


Spencer's Adventures said...

That is the funniest looking potty I have ever seen. Maybe you should get one of those!

Rachel said...

Thanks Jenn, I was relieved to read your post. I wanted to be friends again!!!
No really, sorry it was short lived, but at least he knows what he is supposed to do! That is 3/4 of the battle!
Kendal is learning well that what causes her discomfort in that diaper of hers is a 'no touch; ordeal. She has been good for about a week, knock on wood!