Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sleepless nights

My sleepless night wasn't caused by the baby like you may think. The culprit is the EMT I sleep next to. Darryl recently got the job of a first responder so he carries a pager constantly and basically just goes on runs when it's convenient. We were so surprised that the pager hadn't gone off the first few days he had it but it made up for it last night. It went off a few times but Darryl only went out on 2 of them. I'm excited for him to be able to stay fresh with his EMT knowledge. I think he's excited about the adrenaline rushes. :)


Cherlelynn Bednar said...

Wow that's cool. Bob started his medical career as an EMT and our oldest (Spencer) was an EMT in SL. Sometimes I think Bob misses the adrenaline rush but as he says he's, "too old for that now" (like he's 90 or something--lol). I don't know how well I'd do with the pager going off all the time. That's way cool for Darryl I didn't know he did that.

The Cox Family said...

You are not supposed to be having sleepless nights yet! Darryl may need to sleep in another room if his pager is on so you can get some rest before the little guy is born!

Rachel said...

10 days!!

Holy smokes girl!
I hope you are feeling okay!
keep us posted!