Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Kade started with a tight cough but then fevered and has since just had a cough and felt lousy then he has fevered here and there. Clint has since started coughing and says he doesn't feel good. SO. . . this picture pretty explains it all. Kade never left this spot except to move to the couch upstairs. When Clint is sick he usually keeps playing and being quirky just not at the usual level. And this picture explains the not tired. Cole has not been tired recently. I don't mind except he doesn't sleep when I'd like him to during the day and he wants to sleep when I'd like him awake. He looks like he's almost smiling in the first picture[he's not quite to that smiling stage]. I think the flash scared him. Luckily I got a picture of the pre-crying pouty lip, and I also got a picture of the cry.


Jordan said...

awww!! i love this. he is so cute i cant wait to see him in person!!! Carver cries when i sneeze and he is almost asleep but not quite. i have no idea why but it always everytime scares the pants off him!!!

Maria said...

Kade and Clint are the cutest brothers I have ever seen. THey do everything together, even get sick. I hope Cole starts adjusting to your schedule. :) He is such a cutie. Oh, and that cute post about kade taking ice cream to his friend reminded me of a time when we were little and I was sick. You and your mom brought me some slush and I was so happy.

Spencer's Adventures said...

I hope it's better soon!

Rachel said...

the little man is getting so big! Klint and Kade have got to be the cutest little bros - so darling.
I suppose by now everyone is back to normal and healthy - hopefully!