Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Auditions

Kade has wanted to be in a play so we've been watching for a show that would be a good fit for him and that he'd also be able to do the dates.  Well the stars aligned and he auditioned tonight for the part of Jeremy in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.  He chose to sing "Consider Yourself," from Oliver since it showcases his accent ability.  Other than learning the song for his voice lessons we really didn't prepare much for the audition.  I didn't really know what to have him do and so when we got there I was pretty nervous for him but just tried to stay calm and indifferent for him.  They allowed me to go into the room with Kade for the audition.  I couldn't believe what a great job he did!  It was so fun to watch him.

The next night they called him to come to callbacks.  I wasn't able to go in for all of that but he said they had him run the same part over and over with different people.  Then later that night we found out he got the part of Jeremy! We were all so excited for Kade and he was ecstatic! Then I got really nervous; what if he's the one that messes up the lines so the next person misses their lines.  Or what if he flops for the performances.  Oh I was so nervous.  I would ask him after practices how it went and I was always pleasantly surprised to find that he was memorizing his lines and songs super fast and loving every practice.  The rest of the cast loved him and they were all incredible with him.  I'm so happy he is able to have such a wonderful experience with such great people.

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