Monday, September 1, 2008

Whatever Floats Your Boat

What do you do with over sized squash? You make boats and float them in the grandparent's pond.

What do you do when you get bored with that? You sit in the water, scoop it up and dump it on your head.

What do you do when you're drenched and freezing? You lay on the warm cement.

You've got to LOVE grandpa and grandma's house!


Jenny said...

I will have to try that sometime. I just throw my oversize squash away! Squash boats are much more fun! R U BACK?

Jenn said...

Nope-- not back. Probably on Sat. I'm canning my mom's garden for her this week.

K'Brina Colby said...

Thats a good idea. I always have a few of those oversized squash at my house...
and I agree, you gotta love grandpa and grandmas house...anything goes there.