Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Memory Tag

Many of my friends have done this and it has been so fun to walk down memory lane with everyone. Here's how it works:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
I can't wait to read your comments!

Rachel said. . . Of course I am thinking of our first memory- When I yelled at you across the Smith's grocery store "Hey, Lisa Brown's sister!" and then proceeded to scare the living bahonies out of you by telling you that we should be friends. It was amazing!! Thanks for not letting me scare you away too much! You are a great fun friend.

Jenny said . . . I am remembering that first week in church. I came up and introduced myself and I remember Kade was so little. I also remember the first itme you spoke in church. Brian and I both leaned over when Drryl got up to speak and said to each other "future General Authority." I loved listening to you both speak. You talked about how you met and how much you loved and appreciated your kind kind husband.

Autumn said . . . I have so many memories but some of my best membories is playing softball with you! I can still see that nubmer 8 jersey heading to the outfield with you brown curly hair through her hat! ;)

Wendy said . . . Holy cow! I don't know where to start. . . the membory thta keeps running through my head was right when you got called to be YW pres. and we had the lake activity and everything that could go wrong went wrong. The funny thing was the kids never had any idea of the turmoil you were in and we all had a great time anyway!

Diana said . . . first time I met you ha, You were naughty and I had to keep you quiet during Doris's lesson or was it during Shannon's You were always my favorite. You thought you would never grow up and leave the nest.


Rachel said...

Of course I am thinking of our first memory - When I yelled at you across the Smith's grocery store "Hey, Lisa Brown's sister!" and then proceeded to scare the living bahonies out of you by telling you that we should be friends.
It was amazing!! Thanks for not letting me scare you away too much! You are a great fun friend.

Jenny said...

I am remembering that first week in church. I came up and introduced myself and I remember Cade was so little. I also remember the first time you spoke in church. Brian and I both leaned over when Darryl got up to speak and said to each other "future General Autority." I loved listening to you both speak. You talked about how you met and how much you loved and appreciated your kind kind husband.

Autumn said...

I have so many memories but some of my best memories is playing softball with you! I can still see that number 8 jersey heading to the outfield with her brown curly hair through her hat! ;)

Spencer's Adventures said...

Holy cow! I don't know where to start...the memory that keeps running through my head was right when you got called to be YW pres. and we had the lake activity and everything that could go wrong went wrong. The funny thing was the kids never had any idea of the turmoil you were in and we all had a great time anyway!

Gram J. said...

first time I met you ha,
You were naughty and I had to keep you quiet during Doris's lesson or was it during Shannon's
You were always my favorite.
You thought you would never grow up and leave the nest.