Sunday, January 27, 2008

President Hinckley

Today was just such a great day. The boys have had colds so Darryl stayed home with them while I went to Stake Conference. It was such a nice relaxed meeting for me. I was able to really listen and soak in the messages from the speakers. I was inspired by so many of the talks. Inspired to:

  • teach my sons as they well return to the teachings of their parents

  • use primary songs to teach the gospel to non/new members and my children

  • handle life with charity

  • help my children learn and respect the power of tithing and the sacrifices that were made for them long ago

After a refreshing day I returned home to find my great husband and sweet babies well and happy. Later that night after putting the boys to bed I started flipping through the channels on TV. Much to my surprise I see a huge headline: President Hinckley 1910-2008. I couldn't believe it. Earlier that day I had raised my arm with sincere sustaining thinking of a man who just seems to be able to do so much and just keeps going. Now to know he had passed was just such a blow. I was so excited for him to be reunited with his sweetheart. After being married for 67 years they seemed like they just couldn't get enough of each other. He said that the secret to a successful 67 year marriage, ". . .look less to our own comforts and more to the comforts of our companion." Great advice I'll apply. I always found myself so proud of him. He was so great with people and spoke the things I would hope I'd say if I were him. He opened his arms to everyone, LDS or not. I heard today the number of temples before he was president and then currently the numbers were something like this: 46 before and since he's been prophet 130. To think of the great work and spirit those temples offer. What a wonderful man. I'll miss him but know he's in a glorious place with his wife.

Side note: I thought it was so interesting that most everyone we talked to found out through text messaging. I'm sure he would have never guessed that would be the way the news of his death would spread. Wow times have changed.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

It was a nice conference, it was nice to hear what was being said.
I never thought that I had just sustained President Hinckley as the president of our church the morning of his death. How very lucky we are to be able to do that one more time before he died.